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Grades > Assignment Grades
This page allows you to view and enter assignment grades for students by semester, cycle, and course-section. You can enter comments and indicators for each assignment grade (e.g., excluded, late, or re-do), and you can print grades by assignment. You can also accept transfer students into a course and enter a walk-in average for those students.
NOTE: Students are not listed on this page prior to the first day of school.
❏ Select the course-section you want to enter assignment grades for:
Semester |
The current semester is displayed by default. You can select another semester. |
Cycle |
The current cycle is displayed by default. You can select another cycle. |
Course Section |
Select the course-section you want to enter assignment grades for. The drop down lists the two-digit period and course name. The course number and section number are in parentheses.
❏ Click Retrieve Data.
You only need to click Retrieve Data the first time you retrieve a course section. After the first time, the student list automatically reloads when you change the Semester, Cycle, or Course Section field.
The students and assignments are displayed according to your selections in the previous steps. Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on Settings > Arrange Student Order.
You can further filter the students and assignments displayed:
Category |
Select the category to enter assignment grades for, or select All Categories. These categories are set up on Settings > Manage Categories. |
Assignment |
Due Date |
Student |
Show withdrawn |
Withdrawn students are not automatically displayed. Select the field to include withdrawn students in the list. NOTE: This field is disabled if you are viewing data for a course group. If any modifications are needed for a withdrawn student in a group, select the actual course the withdrawn student is in to make those changes. |
The grid lists all students currently enrolled in the course-section and the assignments according to your selections.
The columns can be sorted according to your preferences.
If you sort by the last name column, the table sorts by last name, then first name. If you sort by the first name column, the table sorts by first name, then last name.
NOTE: Sorting the columns overrides the custom sort order established on the Arrange Student Order page. However, if you leave this page and return, the students are displayed in your custom sort order. (This does not apply on the Post/View Attendance page.)
To temporarily hide the menu and selection options in order to see more students on the page, click ^ Hide Menu located on the right side of the page. The logo, menu, and selection options disappear from the page. To make the information visible again, click Show Menu.
Student ID |
The student's ID is displayed. Click the student ID to view the student's profile. |
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The Star of Life icon is displayed for any student who has medical circumstances you should be aware of. To view details, click the student ID to view the student's profile (Medical Alerts section). |
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Next to the student's name, click the icon to view or add a course note about the student. The note icon is yellow NOTE: These notes are not displayed to parents/guardians.
Any existing notes for the student are listed. You can view all notes for courses to which you have access.
To add a new note, select the category code indicating what the new note is related to, such as AT for attendance.
NOTE: The Student Notes report provides a report of these course notes. |
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Beside each student's name is the transfer icon
NOTE: The student will only have a red T
If a student transfers into the course, you must accept the student into the course and enter his walk-in transfer average and weight. The campus, student ID, semester, and cycle must all be the same for the average to transfer.
❏ To accept the transfer student into the course-section, click
The Transfer Walk-In Average window opens.
This is the student's average in the class from which he transferred. You can enter a numeric grade or an alphabetical (ABCD or ESNU) grade.
NOTE: If a student transferred from a course that posts letter grades to a course that posts numeric grades, and a letter grade is entered for his transfer average, the student's working cycle average is
displayed as a numeric grade.
See the Calculate Averages guide for an explanation of calculating averages for each weighting type for an explanation of calculating averages for transfer students.
To accept the student into your class, type the weight you want to apply to the student's transfer average. For example, if a student transferred three weeks into a six-week cycle, you may want to enter
a weight of 50%. The maximum weight you can enter is 100.
If you entered and saved the transfer average data for the student, his walk-in average is calculated in his working cycle average. NOTE: The changes are not actually saved until you type your PIN and click Save Grades.
NOTE: For standards-base courses, accepting a transfer student is a manual process. The transfer icon is not displayed.
If a student transfers into the course during a cycle, the following calculations are used to determine his working cycle average:
If a student transferred from a course that posts letter grades to a course that posts numeric grades and a letter grade is entered for his transfer average, the grade conversion table is used to determine the numeric value. |
Cycle average |
The student's working cycle average is displayed. The average is updated every time you access the page, click Calculate Averages, or save grades. If the student does not yet have a working cycle average, the field is blank. |
Show averages as alpha |
If the course is set up to post alphabetical grades, the field is displayed. NOTE: For courses that use alphabetical grades, a cookie is set to remember the setting, and the page will always display averages according to the setting by default. Averages are also displayed on the Cycle Grades page according to the setting. Courses that use numeric grades will always display grades numerically. |
grade column headings |
Assignments per Page |
« Previous Next » |
❏ Enter the grades in the grid.
Press ENTER after you type each grade to move down the list to the next student. You can press SHIFT+ENTER to move up the list. You can also press the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the list.
Press TAB to move across the list to the next assignment. You can press SHIFT+TAB to move back to the left.
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Next the grade field, click
WARNING: Your comments and/or selections are not actually saved until you type your PIN and click Save to save all data on the Assignment Grades page.
NOTE: If an assignment is excluded for a student, and you have entered a number in the # Drop field on Settings > Manage Categories (indicating that you want to drop a specified number of assignments for a category), the assignment grade does not count toward the number that will be dropped. Only non-excluded grades are dropped. |
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If a rubric chart has been associated with the assignment, the
NOTE: When entering a score for a skill, you are not limited to the range specified in the rubric chart. For example, if the score range is 0-5, you are not prevented from typing 0 or 6. |
Exclude All |
Click to mass exclude grades for an assignment for all students. |
Fill |
Use the button and adjacent field to mass enter an assignment grade for all students. |
Overall Averages |
The overall averages (i.e., class averages) for the working cycle average and each assignment are displayed in the bottom row of the table. The overall averages are updated every time you click Calculate Averages and every time you save grades. |
Print (one assignment) |
Use this option instead of the browser's print option. This printout contains formatting to handle the features on the Assignment Grades page.
To choose the number of assignments that will print per page, use the up/down arrow. Assignments can also be printed using the Assignment Grades Report. |
Any data that has changed since the last time you saved your grades is indicated by gray shading in the table cell.
Be aware that you may have changed data that is not currently displayed on the page. All changes are saved, including those that are not visible on the page. For example, if you are currently viewing assignment grades for one student, but you previously entered grades for other students, the grades for all students are saved, regardless of what is displayed on the page at the time you save the data.
❏ Click Save Grades.
If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the grades were saved successfully.
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