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❏ To accept the transfer student into the course-section, click Transfer T red .

The Transfer Walk-In Average window opens.

Transfer Walk-In Average pop-up window

Date: The student's transfer date is displayed by default. You can type over the date in the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click Calendar to select a date from the calendar.

From: The teacher name, course number, and section are displayed for the course from which the student transferred. This data is only displayed if the student transferred from a different section of the same course and has a transfer average.

Average: The student's tranfer average is diplayed if available. Otherwise, you can type the student's walk-in average.

This is the student's average in the class from which he transferred. You can enter a numeric grade or an alphabetical (ABCD or ESNU) grade.

NOTE: If a student transferred from a course that posts letter grades to a course that posts numeric grades, and a letter grade is entered for his transfer average, the student's working cycle average is displayed as a numeric grade.

See the Calculate Averages guide for an explanation of calculating averages for each weighting type for an explanation of calculating averages for transfer students.

Weight: The field displays 0 for a transfer student who has not yet been accepted into the class.

To accept the student into your class, type the weight you want to apply to the student's transfer average. For example, if a student transferred three weeks into a six-week cycle, you may want to enter a weight of 50%. The maximum weight you can enter is 100.

The student's transfer icon remains red until a weight is entered and saved.

Once you enter and save a weight, the student's transfer icon turns blue Transfer - Blue T. The blue icon remains until the end of the semester.

❏ Click Ok.

If you entered and saved the transfer average data for the student, his walk-in average is calculated in his working cycle average.

NOTE: The changes are not actually saved until you type your PIN and click Save Grades.

Clear: Clear all data previously entered for the transfer student.

NOTE: Any course assignments that were due prior to the student's transfer date are excluded for the student, and the Exclude indicator Exclude is displayed for the assignments. You can override the exclusion if you want the transfer student to complete an assignment that was due prior to his transfer date.

To override the exclusion, click Note - pink, clear the Exclude field. Click OK and save.

NOTE: For standards-base courses, accepting a transfer student is a manual process. The transfer icon is not displayed.

general/assignment_grades_accept_transfer_student_steps.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/13 19:32 by apape