From this page you can print IPRs for the students selected on the IPR Selection page. The page can only be accessed through the Print IPR or Print IPR by Average page when you click Print selected IPRs.
Report cards are designed to print with the parent/guardian address positioned so that it appears in the window of a standard envelope if the paper is folded into thirds. (This also applies to elementary skills-based IPRs printed via Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Print Elementary Report Card.)
Background colors may not automatically print, depending on your browser settings. For more information, click here.
Before printing report cards or IPRs, you may want to change the Page Setup options to enable or disable printing of headers and footers. Be aware that if the headers and footers are disabled, page numbers are not printed, and there is a risk of the report pages (i.e., the actual papers) getting out of order inadvertently. This could potentially result in a student receiving the wrong subsequent pages of the report card or IPR if there are multiple pages. However, you may want the headers and footers disabled for a neater appearance.
IMPORTANT: Make note of any data that you are deleting so you can reset the headers and footers after you print the report cards or IPRs.
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