Print Elementary Report Cards

Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Print Elementary Report Card

This page allows you to select the elementary students for whom you want to print report cards. The report cards display data as set up on the Admin - Manage Skills-Based Report Cards pages.

These report cards can also be used as interim progress reports if needed. You can change the heading from “Report Card” to “Interim Progress Report” by selecting Print Elementary Report Card as an IPR.

NOTE: Administrative users can use the Admin > Print Elementary Report Cards for Campus page (which is only available to users who log on to TeacherPortal with a district- or campus-level security administrator user ID) to print all elementary report cards for a particular report card type.

Print data:

❏ Select the course-section you want to print report cards for:

SemesterSelect the semester you want to print report cards for.
CycleSelect the cycle you want to print report cards for.
Course-SectionSelect the course-section you want to print report card for.

If the course is marked as ready to post on the Cycle Grades page, the message “[READY]” is displayed next to the course.

❏ Click Retrieve Data.

The grid displays all students currently enrolled in the course-section. Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on Settings > Arrange Student Order.

The columns can be re-sorted.

Show withdrawnWithdrawn students are displayed in a blue row, and the message “Withdrawn” and the withdrawal date are displayed by the student's name. The withdrawal date may be the student's withdrawal date from school or his withdrawal date from the class.
Print Elementary Report Card as an IPRSelect if you are printing the report card(s) to be used as an interim progress report. If selected, the heading “Interim Progress Report” will appear at the top of the report instead of “Report Card.”

Ensure that this field is not selected if you are producing actual report cards.

Student ID

❏ Select the students:

This Class

Select to print a report card for the student for only the selected course-section. If selected, Default View is selected and cannot be changed.

Check AllSelect to apply this option for all students in the selected course-section. If selected, you cannot select All My Classes for the students.
Report Card Note(Optional) Type a note that will be displayed on all report cards selected for printing. If entered, it will appear on the report card above the Teacher Notes section.
Print a Blank Page Between StudentsSelect to insert a blank page between each student. It is recommended that you select this option if the report card has an odd number of pages and is being printed double sided.

Print Report Cards (or IPRs):

Printing tips

❏ Click Print selected student report cards.

The report cards are displayed on the Elementary Report Cards page where you can view the report cards before printing them.