
The following business tasks have been identified for the month of December. Use the checklist below to ensure that the tasks are addressed, if applicable.

Budget Process
Next Year Payroll Process

Budget❏ Begin developing the budget calendar for the upcoming year.

❏ Begin preparing the Budget application for the new school year budget.
Finance, Payroll❏ Begin next year payroll preparations for the new school year salaries.

❏ W-2 preparation: balance payroll for each month, quarter, and the year.

❏ Complete your LEA's Payroll calendar year-end tasks.

❏ Complete the time and effort documentation for employees who are paid wholly or partially through federal grants, and who may use semi-annual certifications rather than monthly records of time and effort. Perform any required payroll adjustments.

❏ During the holiday break, monitor incoming mail for unemployment filings in order to allow sufficient time for the LEA to respond.
Finance❏ Begin preparing for the indirect cost rate application if needed. (Note: LEAs claiming SHARS/Medicaid reimbursement will usually need to do this.)

❏ Review the IDEA-B MOE compliance status using the TEA template prior to TEA releasing their preliminary reports. Gather information for any exceptions or adjustments that the LEA intends to claim.

❏ Review the ESSA MOE compliance status using the TEA template prior to TEA releasing their preliminary reports.

❏ Drawdown federal funds to avoid possible high-risk auditee status. (Due by December 31st)

PEIMS Business Reminders:

❏ Finish reviewing Business elements for the Fall PEIMS Submission.

❏ The Fall PEIMS snapshot date is the last Friday in October.

❏ Coordinate the timing of the Fall PEIMS Submission with the PEIMS Coordinator and student campus PEIMS staff.

❏ Complete the Fall PEIMS submission by the appropriate due date in December. Once the final file is submitted, review all of the final reports to ensure that you have an accurate record of submission.

❏ Begin working on the Mid-Year PEIMS Submission, which includes only Business records.