From August Year-End Doc —→
The following business tasks have been identified for the month of November. Use the checklist to ensure that the tasks are addressed, if applicable.
❏ Coordinate the completion of audit for the June 30th audit preparation (no later than Nov 27th).
Review the audit draft and pay particular attention to items that impact the FIRST rating such as: unmodified audit opinion, no material weaknesses in internal controls, no instances of noncompliance material to financial statements, and net assets is positive on Statement of Net Assets.
Important dates report will be delivered to the school board.
Verify whether the auditor or LEA will electronically submit the audit to TEA.
Verify if the auditor will send to MAC if the LEA has outstanding bonds and if any other entities need to receive a copy of the audit (grant agencies, etc.).
Publish audit Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances in the local newspaper.
Post audit opening balances, if needed.