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ASCENDER - Key Business Fields for Fall PEIMS


This document outlines key Business data that is submitted during the Fall PEIMS Submission. As the year progresses, this information may be updated to include additional fields of data. This document refers to data in the TSDS Web-Enabled Data Standards (TWEDS) on TEA’s website (

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.

* The red text indicates the domain's submission level as it appears on the District Administration > Options > TSDS > Domains & Entities page.

Education Organization Domain

First Level Submission

The Education Organization domain provides information about any public, charter, education service center, organization or agency.

Information from AskTED is imported into the Operational Data Store (ODS). As you send data, TEA matches the School ID (county district number) to existing district and campus information to ensure that the reported data is credited to the correct Local Education Agency (LEA).

EducationServiceCenter Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
Education Organization CategoryC331 01=ESC; 02=LEA
NameOfInstitution (E3037) N/APopulated from AskTED
EducationServiceCenterId (E1091) N/A – Region the ESC or LEA resides inPopulated from AskTED

LocalEducationAgency Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
Education Organization CategoryC331 01=ESC; 02=LEA
NameOfInstitution (E3037) N/APopulated from AskTED
LocalEducationAgencyId (E0212) LEA's County-district number (CCCDDD)
LocalEducationAgencyCategory (E3036) C337Populated from AskTED

School Entity

Campus Enrollment Type Set

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
CampusEnrollmentType (E1641) C219 02=transfers accepted
BeginDate (E3010)N/A – YYYYMMDD = first day of employment First instructional day for campus
EndDate (E3020)N/A – YYYYMMDD = day after last day of employment Last instructional day for campus + 1

NSLP Type Set – Completed by PEIMS Coordinator

SSAOrgAssociationExt Entity - Report of LEA's membership in any Shared Service Arrangements (SSAs)

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
SSAType (E0776)C049 02=Bilingual/English as a Second Language
FiscalAgentDistrictId (E0777)N/A – County-district number (CCCDDD) = Fiscal Agent’s county-district number 123456 = ESC XX

For more information about what qualifies as a Shared Service Arrangement (SSA), reference the current year TWEDS > Data Components > Domain > Education Organization > SSAOrgAssociationExt (under Entities).

Additional Information

  • Most data comes from AskTED or will be completed by the PEIMS Coordinator.
  • The Ed-Org Domain should be reported before anything else to ensure all other data is tied to it correctly.
  • TEA will pre-populate the Individual Operational Data Store (IODS) with the following administrative campuses:
    • 699
    • 701-703
    • 720
    • 750-751
    • 998-999
  • LEAs should only report instructional campuses. ESCs will not report a campus at all.
  • The Fall PEIMS submission includes information about your LEA's SSA memberships and who serves as the fiscal agent. Fiscal Agents will report data about what was spent on each member district’s behalf in the Mid-Year submission. Specific guidance is provided in the FAR module of the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide (FASRG) on TEA’s website.
  • The SSA data is used by TEA to match SSA participants and fiscal agents for financial reporting purposes. This data figures into the maintenance of effort (MOE) for special education spending thresholds for state and federal allotments. TEA also uses the SSA information reported through this entity to check for consistent SSA financial reporting between Fiscal Agents and Member Districts.
  • Other fields of data are included in this Domain, but PEIMS Coordinators will complete that data. PEIMS Coordinators may complete much of what is defined here as well, but we included it for reference. Work with your PEIMS coordinator to ensure proper distribution of tasks for reporting to be successful.

Finance Domain

Third Level Submission

The Finance domain provides the financial information captured in accounts (both actuals and budgeted).

BudgetExt Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
BudgetFund (E0316B)C145B 199=General Fund, 240=National School Breakfast and Lunch Program
BudgetFunction (E0317B)C146B 11= Instruction, 36=Extracurricular Activities
BudgetObject (E0318B)C159B 5711=Taxes, Current Year Levy, 6100=Payroll Costs
Organization (E0319)N/A – Follow FAR Guide 001=High School Campus, 701=Superintendent
FiscalYear (E0974)N/A – Last digit in school year funds were granted 5=2024-2025
BudgetProgramIntent (E0320B)C147B 11= Basic Educational Services, 36=Early Education Allotment
BudgetAmount (E0321)N/A Dollar value budgeted, rounded to the nearest dollar
BeginDate (E3010)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day in force 20241015 means on Oct 15, 2024 the budget was amended
EndDate (E3020)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day no longer in force Typically, the day after the end of the fiscal year, so 20250901= end date for the 2024-2025 school/fiscal year.

ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
CIStaffProgramIntent (E0320C)C147C 11= Basic Educational Services, 23=Services to Students with Disabilities
TotalContractedInstrStaffFTETotal (E0980)N/A - measurement in relation to the standard workday 0.50=1 contracted instructional staff working every school day for half of the day

FTE calculations will consider the following:

  • Percent of day worked (Hours worked / hours in standard day)
  • Percent of week worked (Days worked / 5 days in standard week)
  • Percent of weeks worked (Weeks worked / weeks in work year)

For example, Mrs. Jones is hired to teach the tuba to three players on a contracted instructional staff basis. Her contract specifies that she will work two hours each Monday and each Friday for the entire school year. Her FTE is 0.25 (two hours worked divided by the eight-hour workday in the LEA) multiplied by 0.40 (two days divided by five days) multiplied by 1.0 (36 weeks worked divided by the 36-week instructional year) for a reported FTE of 0.10.

PayrollExt Entity - Staff are reported by Staff ID in the Staff Domain. This data is tied to that existing data.

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
PayrollFund (E0316P)C145P 199=General Fund, 205=Head Start
PayrollFunction (E0317P)C146P 11= Instruction, 36=Extracurricular Activities
PayrollObject (E0318P)C159P 6112=Salaries or Wages for Substitute Teachers, 6149=Employee Benefits
Organization (E0319) N/A – Follow FAR Guide.001=High School Campus, 701=Superintendent
FiscalYear (E0974) N/A – Last digit in school year funds were granted5=2024-2025
PayrollProgramIntent (E0320P)C147P 11= Basic Educational Services, 36=Early Education Allotment
PayrollAmount (E0425)N/A Dollar value budgeted, rounded to the nearest dollar
PayrollActivity (E0424)C018 02=UIL Athletics, 80=Base Salary
BeginDate (E3010)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day in force Contract Begin date. So, 20241015 means the employee began working Oct 15, 2024
EndDate (E3020)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day no longer in force Contract end date + 1 day. So, 20250525 means the employee last worked on May 24, 2025.

For more information, review the General Reporting Requirements and Special Reporting Requirement sections of the Data Standards. Reference the current year TWEDS > Data Components > Domain > Education Organization > SSAOrgAssociationExt (under Entities).

Additional Information


  • Budget Data is reported as part of Fall PEIMS. Data concerning realized revenue and actual expenditures is reported in Mid-Year PEIMS.
  • We only report budget data in General funds, Food Service Funds and Debt Service Funds.
  • Budget amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.
  • Expenditure budgets are reported in lower levels of detail (payroll in 6100, contracted services in 6200, etc…). Amounts should be rolled into those categories for reporting though they are kept in detail in your financial accounting software.
  • Any budget amendments approved on or before the PEIMS ‘as-of’ or snapshot date (last Friday of October) should be included in the totals reported for Fall PEIMS.
  • You should have one account code for Matching State Funds (object 5829) in funds 240 and 410.
  • You should have at least one account code for instructional staff development (function 13) with budget amounts (for Fall PEIMS) and actual expenditures (for Mid-Year PEIMS) greater than zero.
  • You should have at least one account code for instructional resources and media services (function 12 and object 6100-6600) with a budget and actual expenditures greater than zero.
  • You should have at least one account code for guidance, counseling, evaluation services or social work services or health services in function 31-33, object 6100-6600 with amounts greater than zero.
  • You should have at least one account code with object code 6212 for audit services.
  • If function code is 41, then org code should be 701-703, 720, 750 or 751.
  • If org code is 701-750, then function code should be 41, 53 or 99.
  • You should have at least one account code for Statutorily Required Public Notices (object code 6491.)
  • If the object code is NOT 6XXX, the function code should be 00. All expenditure accounts (6XXX) should have a function other than 00, as defined by the table.

Contracted Instructional Staff

  • Contracted instructional staff are not regular classroom teachers who have signed contracts with your LEA, nor are they SSA employees. Rather, these are instructors provided through a contract with an outside organization. They are never employees of the reporting LEA. These staff are paid from function 11 (Instruction) only and include contracted teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and any other professional staff working in a classroom on a dedicated basis. See the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide (FASRG), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) Module. The total FTEs by campus within a program intent are reported.


  • Payroll must be reported for all personnel. Every staff member must report at least one Payroll Activity 80 (Base Salary) or Payroll Activity 78 (Non-Salaried). Payroll Activity 78 is used for reporting alternatively certified staff not paid directly by the LEA, and volunteer teachers or other professional staff who are working at no charge in positions that would normally be held by salaried staff.
  • Report all regular payroll, bonuses and salary supplements or stipends, except those paid for casual services (selling tickets at the football game.)
  • LEAs should report allowances paid to compensate employees for costs incurred for which the employee is not required to render detailed accounting using Object 6139 (Employee Allowances). Employee allowances include automobile, housing, cell phone, uniform and meal allowances, and in-kind payments unless exempted under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code. For additional guidance on how the Object code influences the reporting of staff classifications, please see the chart When to report StaffClassification or AuxiliaryRoleId located in the StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation entity in TWEDS.
  • Payroll records are required for those long-term substitutes who replace teachers who have quit, died, or been fired, and the LEA has not hired a permanent replacement using object code 6112.
  • Payroll Amounts reflect the annual salary the person is scheduled to receive as known on the Fall PEIMS snapshot date. The Payroll Amounts for a long-term substitute or hourly workers should be estimated.
  • The Shared Service Arrangement (SSA) fiscal agent should report personnel and payroll information for all employees whom the fiscal agent pays. A member district should only report the personnel and payroll information if the employee works under the supervision of the SSA but are paid by the member district.
  • For federal programs or projects, once a fiscal year is assigned to a project, it remains with the project until its termination, regardless of the fiscal year it terminates. For federal projects that lapse on June 30th, the new project beginning on or after July 1st reflects the next fiscal year's number.
  • Payments for extracurricular duties for professional personnel are reported in Function 36, Object 6119. Payroll Activity 80 (Base Salary) should not be used.
  • The Program Intent code identifies the cost of instruction and other services directed toward a specific set of students. The intent (the student group toward which the instructional or other service is directed) determines the Program Intent code, not the demographic makeup of the students served.
academy/fallpeimsbusiness.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/13 14:36 by emoreno