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Create/Modify Template - BAR3100

Accounts Receivable > Maintenance > Create/Modify Template

This page is used to create an invoice template for customers with reoccurring invoices (e.g., for monthly e-mail services, Internet access, forms support). Invoice templates are used with the Create Periodic Invoices utility to generate those periodic invoices. Invoice templates are models only and do not create any finance transactions when saved.

Create or edit an invoice template:

Add - Clear AllClick to clear all data for the invoice and add a new invoice.
Add - Clear CustomerClick to clear the customer information only and add a new invoice. The existing product and account data is not cleared.
Add - Clear DetailClick to clear the product and account data only and add a new invoice. The existing customer information is not cleared.
Retrieve a template.

In the Template Nbr field, type the specific template number that is to be retrieved.

Click Retrieve.

If the template number is not known, click Directory. A list of templates is displayed.
Select an item from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Field Description
Customer NameType the customer for whom the invoice template is being created. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding customer names is displayed. Select a customer name.
Customer NbrThe number is automatically populated, or type the customer number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding customer numbers is displayed. Select a customer number.
Requested ByType the name of the person from the customer's organization who requested the service or product. The Requested By field is required if the Customer PO # field is left blank.
Template NbrType the code for the invoice template. If the number is already in use, an error message is displayed. The field can be a maximum of six characters.
Print InvoicesSelected by default.
Date RequestedType the date that the service or product was requested in the MM-DD-YYYY format.
Template NameType the name of the invoice template which is displayed in the Create Periodic Invoices utility.
ReferenceType the cross-reference information. The field can be a maximum of 20 characters.
Customer PO #Type the customer's purchase order number. The field is required if the P.O. Required option is selected for the customer on the Customer Information page. The field is also required if the Requested By field is left blank.
Due DateType the invoice due date in the MM-DD-YYYY format.
Nbr InvoicesType the number of times you want to use this invoice template. For example, if you are going to use the template to generate one invoice per month, you would type 12.
Nbr CreatedThis number is incremented by one each time the Create Periodic Invoices utility is used to create an invoice. Once the number of invoices and the number created are equal, this invoice template is not displayed in the utility. The Nbr Created field can be changed at any time.
Group CodeClick Dropdown Arrow Icon to select the code that indicates the logical group to which the invoice template belongs (e.g., TECH for Technology Services). The field can be a maximum of four characters.

To add a new group code, type a four-character code for the template. When the template is saved, the group code is saved to the Group Code drop down and can be used by other Accounts Receivable users.

❏ Under Products, list the services and products ordered by the customer.

QuantityType the quantity of the item being requested. The value cannot be zero or blank and is required to save the invoice. The default is 1.00.
Unit of IssueClick Dropdown Arrow Icon to select a basic unit of issue. By default, the field is set to EA Each.
Product TypeType the service or product type being requested. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding product types is displayed. Select a product type from the list. If the product type is not known, click Small Picklist Icon to view a list of all available product types or services.
DescriptionType a description of the item being requested. Or, the description is automatically populated based on the Product Type field.
Unit PriceType the price per unit of issue for the item being requested. This is automatically populated based on the Product Type field.
Item TotalThis amount is automatically calculated by multiplying the quantity by the unit price.
Invoice TotalThis amount is automatically calculated by adding the item totals.

❏ Click Update Totals to update the Invoice Total field.

❏ Under Budget, enter the account codes to receive the funds from the invoice.

Account Code

❏ Click Update Totals/Description to populate the default offset fields. Click Small Picklist Icon to select a different offset object code, subobject code, or organization code for the offset account.

The Budget Total and Description are also updated.


  • The account codes default to the Accounts Receivable account code fields on the District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Permissions page. If the District Administration fields are blank, then the Offset Obj and Offset Sobj fields default to the values in the Accounts Receivable field on the Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Clearing Fund Maintenance tab and the Offset Org field is set to 000.
  • The Offset Obj field is limited to 12XX accounts only.
  • The Offset Fund and Offset Fscl Yr fields cannot be changed.

❏ Click Uniform Acct Distr to assign one or more account codes to the entire requisition. You can split all of the costs for a requisition item between two or more funds. The percentage split does not have to be the same for each fund, but the sum of all percentages must equal 100%.

The Uniform Account Distribution pop-up window is displayed.

❏ Complete the following fields:

Account Code
DescriptionThis field is populated with the account description from the Finance chart of accounts.
BalanceDisplays the fund balance available in the account. A negative balance indicates that the fund has available funds.
PctType the percent of that item to charge the selected fund. Each requisition must equal 100%.

For example, the percent would be 100% if you paid from one account; however, if you paid from two accounts, you could split the amount 50/50, 75/25, or 60/40 for a total of 100%.
AmountType the amount to charge the selected fund. The amount that will be charged to that account according to the percent entered in the Percent Field.

❏ Click Refresh Totals to update the totals if any amounts are changed in the grid.

❏ Click Calculate Percent to populate the Percent column based on the amount entered in the Amount column.

❏ Click Calculate Amount to populate the Amount column based on the amount entered in the Percent column.

  • Click OK to apply the amounts.
  • Click Cancel to close the window without applying the amounts.
DescriptionThe account description from the general ledger is displayed.

Type the amount to be applied from the invoice total, or leave blank and click Uniform Distribution to distribute the invoice total amount equally among multiple account codes.

Note: If you have not entered any amounts for the account code records, once all the account numbers have been entered, click Uniform Distribution, which distributes the dollar amount from the invoice total equally across all the account codes. If you enter only one account number, the entire invoice total goes to that one account, which prevents the user from possibly making an error when manually entering the data. If the uniform distribution does not handle pennies the way the user wants, the user can modify the amounts.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


Click to add a new row.


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

Print Copy

Click to print a copy of the invoice. An invoice that is printed from this page is assumed to be a convenience copy, not the real invoice. Review the report.


Click to delete a saved invoice. A message is displayed asking if you want to delete the invoice.

Click Yes to delete the invoice.
Click No to not delete the invoice.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

accountsreceivable/maintenance/createmodifytemplate.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/16 14:06 by emoreno