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BAM1450 - Inventory Audit File Listing

Asset Management > Reports > Asset Management Reports > Inventory Audit File Listing

This report lists all assets by item number, audit type, record type, status, date in service, and date disposed. The audit type codes are defined as follows:

  • A - a new record in the audit file
  • C - a before image of the change to a record in the audit file
  • F - an after image of the change to a record in the audit file
Parameter Description
Select Item Nbr(s), or blank for ALL

Type the ten-digit item number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple item numbers with a comma (e.g., 0000001991, 1236571991). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for item numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all item numbers.

Generate the report.

assetmanagement/reports/assetmanagementreports/inventoryauditfilelisting.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/01 14:34 by emoreno