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Over Expended Account Summary - FIN5000

Finance > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry > Over Expended Account Summary

This tab is used to perform a single-line inquiry of overexpended account balances. Only 6XXX object-coded accounts are displayed. This tab allows you to:

  • Review the balances on individual accounts.
  • View the balances in a summary view of the account.
  • View records by page or by printing.

Perform an overexpended account summary inquiry:

❏ Select any of the following fields to include in the inquiry:

Field Description
ProcessedSelect to include account balances as of the end of the last reporting period.
Current PeriodSelect to include account balances as of the current accounting period.
Next PeriodSelect to include account balances as of the next accounting period.
Minimum Over Expended AmountType the amount for which to include only account balances above that specified amount.
Exclude Objects 61XXSelect to exclude all object codes that begin with 61.
Account Code

Type an account code in each of the account code field components.

Click Ellipsis Icon to select which account codes you want included in the mask. The account code components are displayed as a mask with all Xs. Fill in the digits that are used during the selection process, and only those account codes that match the ones specified are retrieved.

For example, if you want a summary of all supply accounts for campus 001, the account mask would look like the following: XXX-XX-63XX-XX-001-XXXXXX

❏ Click Retrieve to process the inquiry based on the values selected. The page displays the summary inquiry report. Fund totals by class are reported at the end of each fund.

Review the report.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to clear the account code and return to the default setting (all Xs).
finance/inquiry/generalledgerinquiry/overexpendedaccountsummary.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 20:18 by emoreno