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GL History - EOM - FIN5050

Finance > Inquiry > GL Inquiry > GL History - EOM

This tab is used to recreate any accounting period allowing you to view general ledger history amounts and transactions. The inquiry displays the current amounts at the time of the EOM process for the accounting period.

Transactions are listed in ascending order by accounting period and then year regardless of the Starting Accounting Period value on the Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options tab.

Perform a GL history - EOM inquiry:

❏ Under Retrieval Options, select any of the following fields to include in the inquiry:

Field Description
Accounting Period/Year From and ToType the from and to date of data to be included in the MM YYYY format.

❏ Under Exclusions:

Exclude Objects 61XXSelect to exclude all object codes that begin with 61.
Exclude Accounts with No TransactionsSelect to exclude all accounts that do not have associated transactions. Only accounts that have zero balances with account transactions are displayed.

Under Description:

Reason Select to display the reason for each account transaction.
Vendor Name Select to display the vendor name for each account transaction.
Account Code

Type an account code for each of the account code components or click Ellipsis Icon to select a code.

Masked account code components (Xs) will retrieve any digit in that account code position.

For example, the account mask XXX-XX-63XX-XX-XXX-XXXXXX would pull all grant expenditure amounts for supplies.

Encumbrances for student activity fund accounts are displayed in class 2XXX object codes.

❏ Click Retrieve to display the inquiry results based on the values selected.

❏ Click CSV Icon save and print the account code summary information in CSV format.

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to view detailed transactions for the selected account. A pop-up is displayed with a list of balances and transactions.

  • Click CSV Icon to display the detailed transactions for the selected account in CSV format. You can save or print the report.
  • Click Cancel to close the pop-up and return to the GL History - EOM tab.
finance/inquiry/glinquiry/glinquiryeom.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/20 23:12 by emoreno