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Revise EFT File - FIN3700

Finance > Maintenance > EFT Processing > Revise EFT File

This tab is used to edit Finance and Finance Prenote EFT files. The EFT process is completed in the logged-on file ID.

Note: Grants and Projects EFT files cannot be revised in Finance and vice versa.

Important: Reference the NACHA file format at before modifying the EFT file.

The following warning is displayed at the top of the tab:

WARNING: Ensure that you are entering correct information. Any information entered will be processed.

Revise the EFT file:

❏ Click Choose File.

  • Locate and select the file (e.g., Finance_EFT_10102020.txt or Finance_Prenote_10102020.txt) to be revised.
  • Click Open to select the file, or click Cancel to close the dialog box without processing.

❏ Click Retrieve File.

  • The selected EFT file is displayed in the table fields.
  • Make changes to the employee data fields, as needed.
Record CdOnly displays detail record code 6.
Account Type

Type the one-digit account type code. Or, select one of the following from the drop-down list.

2 - Checking account
3 - Savings account

Run Type

Type the one-digit run type code. Or, select one of the following from the drop-down list.

2 - Finance EFT file
3 - Finance Prenote EFT file

Transit RouteType the nine-digit routing number for the vendor's bank. The transit routing number must be a numeric value.
Bank Account NbrType the vendor's bank account number. The account number must be a numeric value.
Bank Account AmtType the bank account amount. The bank account amount should be zero if the Run Type is 3 (i.e., Finance Prenote EFT file). The bank account amount cannot be a negative value.
Vendor Nbr

Type an active vendor number, if known. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a vendor number. The vendor number must exist on the Maintenance > Vendor Information page. The Vendor Name field is automatically populated with the vendor name.

If the vendor number is not known, click Ellipsis Icon. The Vendor Information directory is displayed.

Type data in one or more of the search fields.

Click Search. A list of data that matches the search criteria is displayed.

Select a vendor from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Vendor Name

Type the vendor name, if known. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a vendor name. Only existing active vendors are displayed in the drop-down list. The Vendor Number field is automatically populated with the vendor number.

If the vendor name is not known, click Ellipsis Icon. The Vendors directory is displayed.

Note: The vendor name represents the credit card company (e.g., Bank of America).

Description DataThe description data listed in the file is displayed.
Addend IndThe Addenda Record Indicator listed in the file is displayed. By default, the field displays a zero.
Orig DFI ID CdThe eight-digit code used to identify the originating depository financial institution is displayed.
TotalsA running total of the EFT payments in the file is displayed. The amount is updated when changes are made to the Bank Account Amount field.

❏ Click Process File when all changes have been entered.

  • The preview report is displayed. Review the report.
  • Click Process to process the data. Or, click Cancel to return to the Revise EFT File tab without making changes.

The revised .txt file is generated and a message is displayed indicating that the EFT file was created successfully. Click OK.

Other functions and features:


Click to add a new row.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

finance/maintenance/eftprocessing/reviseeftfile.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/30 19:42 by emoreno