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Cash Receipt - FIN3200

Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Cash Receipt

This tab is used to record cash receipts (monies received) or deposits for all district accounts that are valid in the chart of accounts. The tab consists of three sections: transaction, detail, and summary. When the transaction is highlighted, the detail and summary are displayed.

Retrieve a cash receipt:

Retrieve an existing record.

In the Cash Receipt field, type an alphanumeric cash receipt number, hyphens are allowed. Leading zeros are not required. However, if the cash receipt number is alphanumeric, the field is not zero-filled. The field can be six characters.

Click Retrieve.

If the cash receipt number is not known, click Directory.
To search for a specific cash receipt number, type data in one or more of the search fields.
To search through all available data, leave all fields blank.
Click Search. A list of cash receipt numbers matching the search criteria is displayed.
Select a cash receipt number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Add a cash receipt:

❏ Click Add Receipt to add a cash receipt.

Field Description
Receipt NumberIf Use Automatic Cash Receipt Number Assignment is not selected on the Finance Options tab, type the user-defined, six-character alphanumeric receipt number. If the receipt number is numeric, leading zeros are not required.
Cash Rcpt Nbr DescriptionType a user-defined description about the origin of the cash receipt. The description can be a maximum of 30 characters and is displayed on the FIN1000 - Cash Receipt Journal report.
Cash Receipt TotalThe total cash receipt transactions entered in the detail section is displayed.
Default Cash Rcpt Nbr DescriptionType a cash receipt number description that is automatically used for new cash receipts, that is, all cash receipts created contain the default reason.

❏ In the transaction section, click +Add to add a row.

Account Code

Type an account code. As you type the account code, a drop-down list of corresponding account numbers is displayed. Select an account number.

If the account code is not known, place the cursor in the account code field and press F2. Or, click Ellipsis Icon. The Account Codes lookup is displayed.
To search for a specific account code component, type data in the applicable account code components, or leave blank for all account codes.
Click Search. A list of available account code components is displayed.
Select an account code component from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the Cash Receipt page.

The Description and Contra Account Code fields are automatically populated. The contra account is set to the same fund number and fiscal year as the account number. (The fund and fiscal year must be the same as the account number.) The Contra Account Code is a user-defined object/subobject code that is in the Finance Automatic Posting Defaults section on the Tables > District Finance Options > Clearing Fund Maintenance tab. If you manually type a contra account code, the function code must be 00, and the object code must be 11XX, 181X, or 191X.

Click Validate Account Code to verify the account code for the transaction.

Contra Account Code

If it is necessary to override the contra number, click Ellipsis Icon to select a different contra account code or begin typing a contra account code. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a contra account code. The fund and fiscal year must be the same as the account number. If you manually type a contra account code, the function must be 00 and the object code must be 11XX, 181X, or 191X.

Receipt Source/DescriptionYou can enter a detail transaction description for one or more account codes that are part of this cash receipt.
AmountType the amount of the cash receipt. The value is also entered in the transaction and summary sections and is display only. As additional detail transactions are entered in the detail section, the cash receipt amount displayed in the transaction and summary sections are updated to include each additional transaction.
Trans Date

The current system date is displayed by default, but it can be modified. If it is modified, all new transactions default to the last transaction date that was entered.

User IDThe name of the user who created the transaction is displayed. Users are created in the Security Administration application.
Customer Number/NameBegin typing the customer number or name. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a customer. This field contains a list of Accounts Receivable customers.

The Account Code, Description, Contra Account Code, and Cash Receipt Amt fields are populated by the entries in the detail section.

Refresh Totals

Click to update the totals.

❏ Click Save.

Reverse a cash receipt:

You can reverse a cash receipt in either the transaction or detail section of the tab.

Note: You can click Reverse, and the resulting reversal entries are displayed in the detail section. If you have not saved the reversal, Reverse cannot be clicked again. However, once the reversal is saved, you can select Reverse again, and it reverses all transactions in the detail section. The summary section displays zero amounts. Once saved, all entries in the detail section are displayed on the general ledger.

❏ Click Reverse. The Cash Receipt Total field is set to zero.

  • In the detail section, a new row is added with the same account code, description, and contra account code, but with an opposite amount entered in the Amount field. All previous detail transaction amounts remain, and the Total field in the detail section is set to zero.
  • The Trans Date field is set to the current system date but can be modified.
User IDThe name of the user who reversed the transaction is displayed. Users are created in the Security Administration application.
Cash Receipt AmtThe amount is set to zero in the summary section.

Note: You can highlight a transaction and click Reverse. The resulting reversal is displayed. If you have not saved the reversal, Reverse can be clicked again on the same transaction and it creates another reversal transaction. If you select the reversed transaction, the Delete button is displayed. You cannot reverse a reversal. However, once saved, you can click Reverse on any transaction whether it is a reversal or not.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

Delete ReceiptClick to delete a cash receipt.
Reverse ReceiptClick to reverse a cash receipt.

Click to add a new row.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

finance/maintenance/postings/cashreceipt.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/27 16:54 by emoreno