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Journal Budget - FIN3200

Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Journal Budget

This tab is used to create new journal entries for the budget only. You can enter all transactions related to one journal voucher; it requires you to enter both sides of the transactions. Total debits must equal total credits, and the total credits for each fund and fiscal year must equal the total debits for that fund and fiscal year.

A list of Budget general ledger transactions is displayed and only those transactions for that accounting period that have not been run through the end-of-month process are included. When posting transactions in the Journal Budget tab, you should enter an account in the detail section. It is important that you tab out of the field after making an entry in order to update the summary information.

Retrieve existing journal vouchers:

Retrieve an existing JV.

In the JV Number field, type a journal voucher number.

Click Retrieve. The journal voucher information is displayed.

If the journal voucher number is not known, click Directory. The JVs directory is displayed.
Type data in one or more of the search fields.
Click Search. A list of data that matches the search criteria is displayed.
Select a journal voucher number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Add a journal voucher:

❏ Click Add JV to add a journal voucher.

Field Description
JV TypeBUDGET is displayed.
JV Number

Type a journal voucher number, hyphens are allowed. Leading zeros are not required. The field can be a maximum of six alphanumeric characters. If the journal voucher number is alphanumeric, the field is not zero-filled.

If Use Automatic JV Number Assignment is selected on the Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options tab, the JV Number field displays AUTO. When the record is saved, AUTO is replaced with the next available journal voucher number.

JV Number Description

Type a user-defined description of the journal voucher transaction.

If a description exists in the Default JV Number Description field, that description automatically displays in the JV Number Description field. You may change the description. The description can be a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters.

When data from the Budget application is moved to the Finance application, the JV Number Description field automatically populates with MOVE BUDGET TO FINANCE.

Acct PerThe accounting period for the transaction is displayed.
Ignore for Grants and ProjectsSelect to ignore all JV entries for the Grants and Projects application.
Capture Orig BudgetIf selected, entered transactions update the Original Budget Amt displayed on the Amended Budget Maintenance page and the Adj Appr/Est Rev field. If not selected, entered transactions only update the Adj Appr/Est Rev field.
Default JV Number DescriptionType a journal voucher number description to be automatically used for new journal vouchers, that is, all journal vouchers created will contain the default journal voucher number description.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Account Code

Type an account code, or with the cursor in the field, press F2 to display the Account Codes lookup.

To view a list of account code components, place the cursor in one of the account code component fields, and then click Ellipsis Icon or press F2.

Type the applicable account code components, or leave blank for all account codes, and then click Search. A list of available account code components is displayed.

Select an account code from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Journal voucher entries can be saved with an account code that does not exist in the Chart of Accounts if Allow JV Account Creation is selected on the District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Permissions tab. If selected, the account code is created upon clicking Save if all account code components exist in the tables.

Only 3XXX, 5XXX, 6XXX, 7XXX, and 8XXX accounts are available. The account number can be selected multiple times when creating numerous transactions. If the journal voucher is not balanced by the fund and fiscal years, a message informs you that the funds are out of balance and cannot be saved. You must correct the balance issue prior to saving.

DescriptionThe account code description from the chart of accounts is displayed.

If a description exists in the JV Number Description field, that description automatically displays in the Reason field. You may change the reason.

Note: When data from the Budget application is moved to the Finance application, the Reason field is automatically populated with OPENING ENTRY.

Debit AmountType an amount to be posted to the selected account. A balanced entry of equal debits and credits must be posted.
Credit AmountType an amount to be posted to the selected account. A balanced entry of equal debits and credits must be posted.
Trans Date

The current system date is displayed by default, but it can be modified. If it is modified, all new transactions default to the last transaction date that was entered.

User ID

The name of the user who created the transaction is displayed. Users are created in the Security Administration application.

If a pending transaction overdraws an account, an error is generated to alert the user of the overdrawn condition for the specific account.

❏ Click Save. The Curr Appr/Est Rev and Current Balance fields in the lower grid are updated.

Spyglass IconClick to view additional information for the transaction in the bottom grid.
Refresh Description

Click after an existing object code number is entered to update the Description field. The object code description is populated from the Object tab.

Refresh Totals

Click to update the totals.

In the summary section, a row is added when an account code is selected and entered in the detail section. All fields are display only.

The Account Code, Description, Debit Amount, and Credit Amount fields display the account information from the detail section.

Curr Appr/Est RevThe appropriations balance or estimated revenue balance for the selected account as of the next accounting period is displayed.
Current BalanceThe actual balance of the selected account after encumbrances/expenditures (if appropriations) or after revenue realized (if estimated revenue) is displayed. This balance reflects all changes made in the current and next accounting periods.
Adj Appr/Est RevThe anticipated approved fund balance, estimated revenue balance, or appropriations balance after the debit/credit amount is posted.
Adjusted BalanceThe anticipated new actual balance is displayed after posting of the debit/credit.

❏ Click Save. The debit and credit amounts balance within a specific journal voucher, and the debit and credit amounts balance within a specific fund are validated. If you try to save an unbalanced fund, a message informs you that the funds are out of balance and cannot be saved. You must correct the balance issue prior to saving.

Reverse an entry:

An entry in the transaction or detail section can be reversed.

❏ In the transaction section, select an existing transaction to be reversed.

Note: You can click Reverse, and the resulting reversal entries are displayed in the detail section. If you have not saved the reversal, Reverse cannot be clicked again. However, once the reversal is saved, you can click Reverse again, and it reverses all transactions residing in the detail section. The summary section is still displayed as zero amounts. Once saved, all entries in the detail section are displayed on the general ledger.

❏ Click Reverse JV to reverse the JV entries.

  • The Current Balance, Debit Amount, and Credit Amount fields in the summary section are set to zero.
  • A new row is added in the detail section with the same account code and description, but with an entry in the credit column that is equal to the amount in the debit column or with an entry in the debit column that is equal to the amount in the credit column.
  • The Trans Date field displays the current system date, but it can be modified.
  • When logged on to file ID C, the year is validated to ensure that it is not less than the current year, not less than the Finance Options From School Year, and not greater than the Finance Options To School Year.
  • The User ID field (in the detail section) displays the name of the user who entered the transaction. This field is display only.

❏ Click Save. The debit and credit amounts balance within a specific journal voucher, and the debit and credit amounts balance within a specific fund are validated. If you try to save an unbalanced fund, a message informs you that the funds are out of balance and cannot be saved. You must correct the balance issue prior to saving.

Other functions and features:


Click to reset all previously selected options to the default.


Click to delete the journal voucher. A message is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion.

Click Yes to delete the journal voucher. Otherwise, click No to return to the tab without deleting the journal voucher.

Trashcan IconClick to delete a transaction. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.
PrintClick to print the journal voucher information. Review the report.
finance/maintenance/postings/journalbudget.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/29 13:51 by emoreno