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FIN1700 - Accounts Payable Listing

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Journals, Checks, Detail Ledgers > Accounts Payable Listing

The report displays information about the deferred checks in the system. It lists vendor name and number, account number, record number, PO/PA number, contents of the print flag, accounting period, invoice number, and expense amount. In addition, it is the only report in the system that prints both due date and transaction date. The report prints totals for vendors, POs/PAs, and funds, in addition to a grand total payable balance. The upper-left heading of the report indicates whether the checks are sorted by due date or transaction date. Report information is displayed based on the masked account codes set in the User Profiles table for the logged-on user.

Parameter Parameter Description
Accounting Period Current (C), Next (N)

C - Include the current accounting period on the report.

N - Include the next accounting period on the report.

This is a required field.

Sort by Vendor#/PO/Fund (1), Vendor Name/PO/Fund (2), Fund/Vendor#/PO (3)

1 - Sort the report by vendor number, purchase order, and then by fund.

2 - Sort the report by vendor name, purchase order, and then by fund.

3 - Sort the report by fund, vendor number, and then by purchase order.

This is a required field.

Print only the deferred checks? (Y/N)

Y - Print only the deferred checks on the report.

N - Do not print only the deferred checks on the report.

This is a required field.

Include Credit Memos? (Y/N)

Y - Include credit memos on the report.

N - Do not include credit memos on the report.

This is a required field.

Include ONLY EFT Payment? (Y/N)

Y - Include only electronic funds transfer payments on the report.

N - Do not include only electronic funds transfer payments on the report.

Select Fund(s), or blank for ALL

Type the three-digit fund number separating multiple fund numbers with a comma (e.g., 161 / 8,199 / 8). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for funds/years. Otherwise, leave blank to use all fund numbers.

From Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALLType the from date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all from dates.
To Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALLType the to date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all to dates.

Generate the report.

finance/reports/financereports/journalschecksdetailledgers/accountspayablelisting.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/18 14:53 by emoreno