Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Journals, Checks, Detail Ledgers > Detail General Ledger by Acct Per
The report allows the user to select a specific fund, function, object, subobject, and program code for which to print transactions. The user can select From and To accounting periods. Vendor transactions allow for printing of either the name of the vendor or the reason for the transaction. Report information is displayed based on the masked account codes set in the User Profiles table for the logged-on user.
Note: If the Starting Accounting Period of the Finance Fiscal Year report parameter is equal to the From Accounting Period and To Accounting Period report parameters, and the user types Y in the Include Previous Months' Balances? (Y/N) report parameter, the program assumes a beginning balance of zero, since there is no difference between the starting accounting period and the from accounting period.
Example 1: The user types Y in the Include Previous Months' Balances? (Y/N) report parameter. The Starting Accounting Period of the Finance Fiscal Year, From Accounting Period, and To Accounting Period report parameters are all set to 09. The system assumes a zero balance, since there is no difference between the accounting periods.
Example 2: The user types Y in the Include Previous Months' Balances? (Y/N) report parameter. The Starting Accounting Period of the Finance Fiscal Year, From Accounting Period report parameter is set to 07, and the From Accounting Period and To Accounting Period report parameters are set to 09. The system displays the balances from 07 to 08 and any transactions created in 09.
Parameter | Parameter Description |
Include Previous Months' Balances? (Y/N) |
Y - Include balances from previous months on the report. N - Do not include balances from previous months on the report. This is a required field. |
Enter the Starting Accounting Period of the Finance Fiscal Year | Type 07 or 09 to indicate the first month of the Finance fiscal year. |
From Accounting Period | Type the two-digit from accounting period. This is a required field. |
To Accounting Period | Type the two-digit to accounting period. This is a required field. |
Print Vendor Name (N), Reason (R) |
N - Print the vendor name on the report. R - Print the reason on the report. This is a required field. |
Include Requisition soft encumbrance transactions when PO encumbrance exists? (Y/N) |
Y - Include requisition soft encumbrance transactions on the report when a purchase order encumbrance exists. N - Do not include requisition soft encumbrance transactions on the report when a purchase order encumbrance exists. This is a required field. |
Use Check date (C) or Transaction date (T) for check transactions |
C - Use the check date for check transactions on the report. T - Use the transaction date for check transactions on the report. This is a required field. |
Enter significant digits for fields to select on |
Enter Optional Report Title | Type a report title using a maximum of 60 alphanumeric characters. |
Include Budget? (Y/N) | Y - Include all accounts. N - Exclude 5XXX-8XXX accounts. |
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