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FIN3600 - Statement of Unaudited Rev and Expend

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Summary/Miscellaneous Reports > Statement of Unaudited Rev and Expend

This report provides a summary of unaudited revenues and expenditures by function code for the current accounting period. This report includes fund type G - General Operating.

After you click one of the buttons located at the top of the page to generate the report, the Enter 3000 Fund Balance pop-up window opens allowing you the option to enter the following data:

  • By default, under Audited or Unaudited, the field is set to Unaudited, or the user can select Audited.
  • In the Month field, click Drop-down Arrow to select a specific month, which will display at the bottom of the report with the fund balance.
  • In the Annual Budget field, type an annual budget amount with two places to the right of the decimal. The field is optional and can be a maximum of 999,999.99.
  • In the YTD Actual field, type year-to-date actual amount with two places to the right of the decimal. The field is optional and can be a maximum of 999,999.99.
  • To add additional annual budget and year-to-date actual fund balance amounts, click +Add.
  • To delete a row with annual budget and year-to-date actual fund balance amounts, click Select for the row to be deleted, and then click Delete.
    • Click OK to accept the amounts.
    • Click Cancel to close the pop-up window.
Parameter Parameter Description
Select Fund(s), or blank for ALL

Type the three-digit fund number separating multiple fund numbers with a comma (e.g., 161 / 8,199 / 8). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for funds/years. Otherwise, leave blank to use all fund numbers.

Enter Optional Report TitleType a report title using a maximum of 60 alphanumeric characters.

Generate the report.

finance/reports/financereports/summarymiscellaneousreports/statementofunauditedrevandexpend.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/25 14:14 by emoreno