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Reconcile bank transactions

Bank Reconciliation > Maintenance > Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation Page

This page is used to reconcile unreconciled bank transactions from the bank reconciliation transaction table. Review the Categories tab for more information on the Totals section layout.

Retrieve a reconciliation record:

Recon TitleType a bank reconciliation title or press the SPACEBAR to select from a list of unreconciled records.

Reconciled records are not displayed in the drop down, and can only be selected from the reconciliation directory.

Click Ellipsis Icon to select an existing reconciliation record from the Reconciliation Search.

This field is required.

The transactions associated with the selected bank account group are displayed under the respective drop-down sections (Cash Receipts, Checks, Journal Vouchers).

  • If the reconciliation record is in a pending status, the layout in the Totals section remains as it was saved even if the layout changed on the Tables > Reconciliation Layout page. The corresponding unreconciled transactions are retrieved, recalculated, and saved.
  • If the reconciliation record is reconciled:
    • The layout for the Totals section is retrieved and the totals are not recalculated.
    • The Recon Title, Bank Account Grp, GL File ID, and Accounting Period fields are disabled.
    • The Add, Save As Pending, and Reconcile buttons are disabled.
    • You can print the Reconciled Report.
    • You can view and add comments.

Add a bank reconciliation record:

Field Description
Recon TitleType a bank reconciliation title. This field is required.
Bank Account Grp

Type a bank account group for which you want to reconcile transactions. This field is required.

If the bank account group code is not known, click Ellipsis Icon. The Bank Account Grp lookup is displayed. To narrow the search for a bank account group code, type data in the Search field. A list of codes matching the search criteria is displayed.

Select a bank account group code from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Note: Only one pending reconciliation is allowed per bank account at a time.

GL File IDClick Drop-down Arrow to select a general ledger file ID. This field is optional when adding a reconciliation record; however, it is required when processing a reconciliation record.
Accounting PeriodType the accounting period to be used. The leading zero is not required. Or, click Account Period Selection Scroll Arrows to select an accounting period.

Only one accounting period can be reconciled at a time.

If this field is not populated, Finance data is not retrieved.

This field is optional when adding a reconciliation record; however, it is required when processing a reconciliation record.

❏ Click Add. An add successful message is displayed.

  • The reconciliation record is available in the Reconciliation Search directory.
  • The Add button is disabled.
  • The order, layout, and statement types are retrieved from the Tables > Reconciliation Layout.
  • A list of unreconciled (i.e. status is not R) transactions that correspond to the selected Bank Account Grp is displayed.
  • Totals are calculated and saved with the reconciliation Totals.

The transactions associated with the selected bank account group are displayed under the respective drop-down sections (Cash Receipts, Checks, Journal Vouchers).

❏ Select the Recon check box for the transactions that you want to reconcile.

Select Recon Checkbox

Cash Receipts

The Cash Receipts section is expanded by default. Click Cash Receipts to collapse the section.

❏ Select the Recon check box for the transactions that you want to reconcile.

❏ Click Select All to select all of the transactions in the section or click Unselect all to clear all of the selected transactions.

The following cash receipt information is displayed:

Receipt Nbr

By default, the results are sorted in ascending order by cash receipt number. Click a column heading to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Ascending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order
Descending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in descending order


❏ Click Checks to expand the section and view the checks associated with the selected group code. Click Checks to collapse the section.

❏ Select the Recon check box for the transactions that you want to reconcile.

❏ Click Select All to select all of the transactions in the section or click Unselect all to clear all of the selected transactions.

The following check information is displayed:

Check Nbr
Payee Nbr
Payee Name

By default, the results are sorted in ascending order by check number. Click a column heading to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Ascending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order
Descending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in descending order

Journal Vouchers

❏ Click Journal Vouchers to expand the section and view the journal voucher associated with the selected group code. Click Journal Vouchers to collapse the section.

❏ Select the Recon check box for the transactions that you want to reconcile.

❏ Click Select All to select all of the transactions in the section or click Unselect all to clear all of the selected transactions.

The following journal voucher information is displayed:

JV Nbr

By default, the results are sorted in ascending order by check number. Click a column heading to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Ascending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order
Descending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in descending order


❏ Click Totals to display the bank reconciliation total fields as defined on the Categories tab. Based on the Categories tab, some of the fields are automatically calculated and cannot be edited.

The totals are updated as transactions are selected or cleared. The Unreconciled Difference amount is displayed on the Totals header only if the Totals section is collapsed. This allows you to view the updated unreconciled difference amount as transactions are selected and cleared.

If the Totals section is expanded, the unreconciled difference amount is not displayed on the header.

If the Statement Type for a category is set to User Input: Multi Entry on the Tables > Reconciliation Layout > Categories tab, click in the category field to open a multi-entry pop-up window allowing you to add user-defined rows of descriptions and amounts to be included in the total calculations.

  • In the Description field, type a user-defined description for the entry.
  • In the Amount field, type a dollar amount for the entry.
  • Click +Add to add a row. Or, a new row is added when you type a description in an existing row and press TAB.

❏ Click OK. The multi-entry pop-up window closes, and the entered amounts are totaled and displayed in the corresponding category field.

❏ Click Cancel to close the pop-up window without adding additional entries.

❏ Click Trashcan Icon to delete a row.

❏ Click Save As Pending. The Totals are recalculated to include the multi-entry amounts.

❏ If the Statement Type for a category is set to User Input: Single Entry on the Tables > Reconciliation Layout > Categories tab, type the amount in the field.

Total calculations:

Cleared Deposits - Total of cash receipts with the Recon checkbox selected.
Cleared Checks - Total of cash receipts with the Recon checkbox selected.
Cleared JVs - Total of JVs with the Recon checkbox selected.
Banking Fees/Charges - Type the fees/charges from the bank statement.
Previous Balance - Type the beginning/previous balance from the bank statement.
Statement Balance - Type the ending balance from the bank statement.
Bank Dividends/Interest - Type the dividend/interest from the bank statement.
System Cash - The general ledger balance of all cash object/subobject codes associated with the bank account group is displayed.
Outstanding Deposits - Total of cash receipts without the Recon checkbox selected.
Outstanding Checks - Total of checks without the Recon checkbox selected.
Outstanding JVs - Total of JVs without the Recon checkbox selected.
Statement Balance - The ending balance from the bank statement that you entered under the Bank Statement column is displayed.
Miscellaneous Adjustment - Type the additional entries that have not been posted yet.
Unreconciled Difference - The calculated value based on the following formula is displayed: Unreconciled Difference = System Cash + Outstanding Deposits + Outstanding Checks - Statement Balance - Miscellaneous Adjustment

❏ Click System Cash to refresh the system cash totals.

Note: You have the option to save your work as pending or finalize the reconciliation process.

After the applicable transactions are selected and the totals are reviewed:

❏ Click Save as Pending to save all of the selected transactions and totals as pending. You can retrieve the reconciliation record at a later time to resume the reconciliation process.


❏ Click Reconcile to begin finalizing the reconciliation process for the selected transactions. The totals and transactions are saved as pending, and a preview report is displayed.

Review the report.

❏ Click Process to continue the reconciliation process. The Reconciliation Report is displayed with a list of the transaction statuses and totals.

Review the report.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Bank Reconciliation page.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to clear the data on the page.

Click to add comments to the reconciliation record. A comments pop-up window opens.

Type your comments and click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the Bank Reconciliation page.

A paperclip icon is displayed on the Comments button if comments exist.


Click to print data.

If the reconciliation record is in a pending status, the Pending Reconciliation Report is displayed.

If the reconciliation record is in a reconciled status, the Reconciliation Report is displayed.

Review the report.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete the selected reconciliation. A message is displayed prompting you to delete the reconciliation record.

Click OK to delete the record. A message is displayed indicating that the record was deleted successfully.

Click Cancel to return to the Bank Reconciliation page without deleting the record.

After a bank reconciliation is saved, the delete option is no longer available. If a bank reconciliation is saved but needs to be deleted, you must mass delete the transactions prior to deleting the reconciliation.


This button is only displayed if an error is encountered on the page.

A red outline is displayed around the button, and an Errors pop-up window is displayed with a list of the encountered errors.

Click Close Icon to close the pop-up window.

DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.
general/bank_reconciliation_1.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/24 19:18 by emoreno