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General Business Terms

The following terms are used across Business processes.

Do Not Hire RegistryThe TEA Registry of Persons Ineligible for Employment is a confidential application in TEAL that public and charter schools may search by uploading names and personal identities. The Registry application will list individuals who are under investigation or not eligible for hire. An LEA should verify any applicant for employment against the Registry before they are hired. The LEA must fire or refuse to hire any individual listed on the Registry.
Educator Certification Online System (ECOS)The online site for educators to access their certification accounts to verify or apply for certification. Note: The ECOS site only supports the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer; pages may not function properly if another browser is used.
FingerprintingTEA requires that all employees are to be fingerprinted prior to employment School districts or charter schools should upload all new hires to the ECOS. Note: The ECOS site only supports the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer; pages may not function properly if another browser is used.
IRS Publication 15-T – Federal Income Tax Withholding MethodsA publication that describes how to figure federal income tax withholding.
Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS)TEA's reporting system that encompasses all data requested and received by TEA about public education including student demographic and academic performance, personnel, financial and organization information.
Texas Education Agency (TEA)The state agency located in Austin, TX that oversees primary and secondary public education in the state of Texas. The Commissioner of Education heads the TEA.
TEA Login (TEAL)A secure gateway where access must be set up before an educator can assess their certification account. TEAL provides greater, more flexible, secure access to TEA applications. The TEAL site only supports the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer; pages may not function properly if another browser is used.
State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC)This board was created by the Texas legislature to recognize public school educators as professionals and grant educators the authority to govern the standards of their profession. The board oversees all aspect of the preparation, certification, and standards of conduct of public school educators.
State Board of Education (SBOE)The board that sets policies and standards for Texas public schools. The primary responsibilities of this board include setting curriculum standards, reviewing and adopting instructional materials, establishing graduation requirements, and providing a final review of rules proposed by the State Board for Educator Certification.
Texas Student Data System (TSDS)A statewide system that modernizes and improves the quality of data collection, management and reporting in Texas education.TSDS also replaces and expands on the existing PEIMS.
TRS RE PortalTeacher Retirement System of Texas is a public pension plan in the State of Texas, which provides retirement and related benefits for those employed by public schools, colleges, Education Service Centers and charter schools. TRS uses a web interface called the RE Portal for employee data and payroll reporting by school district officials. RE relates to the reporting entity, i.e., school district, ESC, college, etc.
general/businessterms.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 14:26 by emoreno