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Enter an Account Code Sort

The account code is divided into 12 sort codes; each is assigned with an alpha character A through L: FND - FNC - OBJ.SO - ORG - Y - PC - E - PD

XXX - XX - XXXX.XX - XXX - X - XX - X - XX

A - BC - DEFG - H - I – J - K - L

Up to eight sort codes can be entered for each report. Subtotals are provided for each sort code selected. The ninth code should be left blank, because it is used for grand totals. Not all sort codes can be used for all the variable sort/break programs; an application error message is displayed when the wrong code is selected. The sort codes are entered from the major/highest to the minor/lowest levels. They can be entered in almost any sequence, but there are a few restrictions. The only restrictions are:

  • If B and C are both used, B must come before C.
  • If E and F and/or G are used, E must come before F or G.
  • If F and G are used, F must come before G.
  • The D is not to be used yet, but there is an option to use estimated revenues or appropriations. Class 7 data is included with the revenues, and class 8 is included with the appropriations.

Each gets a header and subtotal except the last one entered. The last code entered is the detail line. If only one code is entered, it too will be a detail line. Duplicate subtotals are deleted. If more than one sort/break is requested, only the first has a page break occur, if the flag is set to Y.

To enter an account code sort:

  1. In the Account Code Sort Selection field, type the sort codes sequence that is to be used for this report.
  2. Click OK to display the codes in the Value field on the report listing page.
  3. Click Cancel to return to the report listing page without any sort codes.
general/enter_sort_order_digits_parameter.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/10 16:53 by emoreno