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(If necessary) Mass update employee experience

Personnel > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee

If necessary, increment the years of total professional and non-professional experience, and the years of district professional and non-professional experience for employees with July contracts.

Additionally, you can use this page to increment the prior years of teaching experience for those individuals in a teaching role. The Prior Teaching Experience is the total number of years that an individual has previously held a teaching position in one or more education institutions. This information collected during the PEIMS Core Collection: Class Roster.

  • This process must be completed prior to the PEIMS fall submission.
  • The Prof Experience Yrs and Non-Prof Experience Yrs should be incremented in separate instances.

Total (Prof) Experience:

Total Professional Experience

Total (Non-Prof) Experience:

Total Non Professional Experience

Use the Personnel > Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1100 - Employee Verification Report to verify the accuracy of the years of experience.

Prior Teaching Experience:

Use the Job Code field to select specific job codes where the prior teaching experience should be updated.

The employees who match the selected parameters and the selected job codes will have their prior teaching experience updated. If an employee has multiple jobs included in the job code selection, their employment record is only updated once.

Mass Update Prior Teaching Experience

general/firstpayrolloftheschoolyear_julystart/step23.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/12 21:39 by emoreno