Upload signatures for payment

District Administration > Tables > Electronic Signatures

Upload electronic signatures to be used for grant check payments.

District Admin Electronic Signatures Page

Field Description
Signature Name

Type the name of the signature to be displayed across the applications.

• Click Browse to open the Import window.

• Select the desired file and click Open to select the signature file. You can import a .bmp, .jpeg, .jpg, gif., or .png file.

• The signature image is displayed and the File Name field is automatically populated with the file name.

• Click Cancel to close the window without selecting a signature file.


Type a password to encrypt the signature file. This password is required for decryption each time you select and use the signature in an application.

If you upload a signature file that was previously password encrypted, a pop-up window is displayed prompting you for that password.

• In the Password field, type the password to decrypt the signature file.

• Click OK to upload the signature file.

• Click Cancel to return to the Electronic Signatures page.

Passwords can be a minimum of one character and a maximum of 16 characters. The following special characters are not allowed: #, %, &

❏ Select GP to allow the signature to be used for payment processing in Grants and Projects.

❏ Click Save.