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Set up grants

Grants and Projects > Tables > Grant/Project Profile

This page is used to define grant codes that can be tracked in the Grants and Projects application. Each grant code is assigned fund/fiscal years and file ID information allowing information to be combined across file IDs for a complete inquiry or report.

Grants and Projects Tables

Field Description
Grant/Project Code

Type a grant/project code, or click Ellipsis Icon to select a code from the Grant and Project Codes lookup.

DescriptionThe grant/project code description is displayed.

❏ Click Retrieve. The grant record is displayed.

❏ Click Add to clear the fields on the page and add a new record.

Grant/Project CodeType a grant/project code. This code is user-defined and can be a maximum of ten alphanumeric characters. This field is required.
DescriptionType a description for the code. It is recommended to add a date or year in order to easily identify the grant (e.g., Title 1A 2022). This field is required.

❏ Update the following fields:

StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the code status (A - Active or I - Inactive).
NOGA/Project NbrType the Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) or project number. This field is optional.
CFDA NbrType the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number that was assigned to the grant when awarded by the Federal government. This field is optional.
Begin DateType the beginning date of the grant or select a date from the calendar. This field is optional.
End DateType the ending date of the grant or select a date from the calendar. This field is optional.

Note: Grants often overlap fiscal years and file IDs so you can add as many lines as needed to ensure complete data is retrieved in the application. Be sure to consider file IDs, and fund/fiscal year details.

In the grid:

❏ Click +Add to add rows as needed.

GL File IDSelect the one-character file ID.

Note: Duplicate account entries are allowed for different file IDs.
Account CodeType all or some of the desired account code, or click Ellipsis Icon in each field of the lookup to select the appropriate account code components from the Account Codes lookup. The selected account code component is populated in the corresponding Account Code field.
DescriptionThe account description is displayed.

❏ Click Save.

general/grantprojectsoverview_setupgrants.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/21 13:10 by emoreno