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SSA Fiscal Management Quick Checklist

1.Update roles/users in Security Administration to allow SSA Fiscal Agent Management permissions. You can add permissions to an existing role or create a new role.
2.Upload signatures for grant payments in District Administration.
3.Create member records.
4.Add member bank information.
5.Set up grant types.
6.(Optional) Set up grant type payment dates.
7.(Optional) Copy payment dates.
8.Create grant maintenance records.
9.Add object code data.
10.Set up approval path.
11.Set up alternate approvers as needed.
12.Enter Budget Adjustment, Reimbursement, and Revision Requests
13.Approve Grant Requests
14.Process Grant Payments
15.Create and submit EFT file.
16.(If necessary) Revise EFT file.
17.Review Reports

Other Tasks

Set up & Manage MemberPortal Users

general/grantsandprojects_ssafiscalmanagement_quickchecklist.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/12 20:27 by emoreno