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Edit an existing deduction for the employee:

❏ Select the deduction record to edit.

Deduction Code

Type a three-digit code identifying the deduction being recorded for an employee, or click Ellipsis Icon to select one from the list. This code must exist in the Deduction Code table.

When a deduction with a D1 abbreviation code (see Deduction Code table) is added to the employee’s master deduction record, the system calculates the amount to withhold based on the employee’s pay and the percentage in the 457 Deferred Compensation table. The amount is populated automatically in the Net Amount field in the employee’s master deduction record each time a payroll is processed for this employee. If the employee’s pay changes with each payroll processed, the net amount is also changed.

When a deduction with a D2 abbreviation code (see Deduction Code table) is selected and added to the employee’s master deduction record, the amount entered in the Net Amount field is the amount that the system deducts from the employee’s pay each time a payroll is processed. It is your responsibility to determine the net amount and enter it into the employee’s master deduction record. The amount is not updated automatically if the employee’s pay changes and a payroll is processed.

Net AmountType a dollar figure representing the amount to be deducted from the employee's gross pay per pay period to cover the cost of the deduction.
Emplr ContribType the amount of the contribution (per pay period) by the district for the employee with that deduction.
Remain PymtsType the number of payments remaining to be made to the employee during the current contract period. Type 99 for an ongoing deduction.
RefundSelect if the employee is entitled to a refund.
Cafe 125

Select if the deduction indicated is part of a cafeteria plan.


The following deduction codes cannot have the Cafe 125 field selected: A3, AN, CU, D1, D2, R1, R2, RI, SB, TR, TS, UD, UF, and WH.

If the Deduction Code field is set to HS, and Cafe 125 is selected, the employee and employer deduction amounts will be accumulated to the respective HSA columns on the Maintenance > Calendar YTD page.

If the Deduction Code field is set to HS, and Cafe 125 is not selected, the employee and employer deduction amounts will not be accumulated to the respective HSA columns on the Maintenance > Calendar YTD page.

Emplr Contrib Factor

Type the number of times (if not one) the district's contribution(s) toward the deduction are to be applied during the current pay period.

Example: An employee is not receiving a paycheck during the summer months, and the employer wants to expense June, July, and August employer contributions in the May paycheck. So you would enter a 4 here, and that number of additional employer contribution payments are expensed.

TEA Contrib Factor

Type the number of times (if not one) the TEA state health insurance contribution is to be applied during the current pay period.

Example: An employee and spouse are eligible for and participating in the health insurance program, and only one of them receives the TEA state contributions for both in his/her paycheck. So you would enter a 2 in this field for the employee with Y in the Health Insurance Eligible Flag field, and that number of TEA contribution payments are expensed. The spouse with an S in the Health Insurance Eligible Flag field has a zero in the field.

If the employee has multiple deduction records for the AC - TEA health insurance deduction type, the TEA contribution is applied to each AC - TEA health insurance deduction type based on the TEA Contribution Factor.

If the AC - TEA health insurance deduction record is flagged as a refund, the TEA contribution amount is handled as a refund.

❏ Click Save to save the data. A message is displayed that asks if you would like to update deduction records to next year.

❏ Click Yes to copy the records to next year or No to continue without copying the record to next year. If you click Yes, the deduction code, employee's amount, employer contribution, and cafe amounts are updated in the employee's deduction records are updated in next year's records.

general/humanresources/maintenance/staffjobpaydata/deductions/body2.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/07 21:07 by emoreno