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ED20 (Demographic)

The ED20 record is used to report an employee's demographic information. An ED20 record must be submitted for all new employees including employees who were previously terminated and rehired. This does not apply to retirees. The ED20 record is submitted to TRS at the beginning of a new school year and each month for new employees.

Note: If an ED20 record has been submitted and corrections are required, submit an ED25 (Demo Adj) record the following month. Do not send both an ED20 and an ED25 record for the same employee in the same month.

Click here to access the RE Portal Resources page for additional reporting information and complete file record layouts.

Create an ED20 demographic record:

  • The Emp Nbr and Staff ID/SSN fields are display only.
  • You can edit the data fields in the free-form area.

Under Demo Information:

Staff ID/SSNType the employee's nine-digit social security number.
DOBType the employee's date of birth in the MMDDYYYY format.
GenderClick Drop-down Arrow to select the employee's gender.
NameType the employee's first, middle, and last name.
GenerationClick Drop-down Arrow to select the employee's generation code.

Under Address:

NbrType the street number for the mailing address of the employee. The field can be a maximum of eight characters.
Street/P.O. BoxType the street name or post office box number for the mailing address of the employee. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
AptType the apartment number for the mailing address of the employee. The field can be a maximum of seven characters.
CityType the city name for the mailing address of the employee. The field can be a maximum of 20 characters.
StateClick Drop-down Arrow to select a state for the mailing address of the employee.
ZipType the five-digit zip code for the mailing address of the employee.
+4Type the additional four digits of the zip code.
ProvinceType the province of the employee's address. This field is only necessary for foreign addresses.
CountryClick Drop-down Arrow to select the country of the employee's address. This field is only necessary for foreign addresses.
Postal CodeType the postal code for the employee's address. This field is only necessary for foreign addresses.

Under Contact Info:

Phone NbrType the 10-digit phone number of the employee.
Work E-mailType the employee's work e-mail address. The field can be a maximum of 100 characters.

If adding a record, complete the applicable fields and click Add to save the record, and then click Close to close the maintenance page. Otherwise, click Close to close the maintenance page without making any changes.

If updating a record, click Save to save the changes, and then click Close to close the page. Otherwise, click Close to close the maintenance page without making any changes.

general/humanresources/utilities/teamsubmission/datamaintenance/employeedataed/ed20demo/body.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 13:49 by emoreno