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Emp NbrType the employee number, or click Ellipsis Icon to select an employee from the Employees list.
Emp NameType the employee name.
AmountType the supplement amount.
Remaining PaymentsType the number of payments remaining to be made to the employee during the current contract period. This is a required field.
Nbr Extra DayType the actual number of days the employee worked.
Attached to PositionType the name of the position attached to the selected supplement position, or click Ellipsis Icon to select one from the list.
BilletType the billet number of the position attached to the selected supplement position. The field can be a maximum of five characters.
Emp Nbr/NameThis field is display only.
general/occupant_supplement_history.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/29 16:27 by emoreno