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Pay DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select a specific pay date with unprocessed leave transactions, and the leave transactions for this pay date are automatically retrieved into the detail grid. You do not need to click Retrieve to view unprocessed leave for the pay date selected. Simply highlight the leave type in the upper grid, and any leave posted to the selected leave type is displayed. If you click Retrieve, then all unprocessed and processed transmittals are displayed.

If no data is retrieved, click +Add to add a row. A row is added to the grid with the Leave Type and Abs Reason fields defaulted to the selected Leave Type in the top grid. The Leave Type and Abs Reason must be active when creating or modifying a leave transmittal.
Pay DateThe selected pay date is displayed.
Abs/Earned DateType the absence date in the MMDDYYYY format. This is a required field.
Leave TypeClick Ellipsis Icon to select the leave type code. The available leave types correspond to the selected employee. The selected leave type code description is displayed in the Leave Type Description field. This is a required field. The leave type must be in an active status to be used or updated.
Abs ReasonClick Drop-down Arrow to select the absence reason code. The available absence reasons correspond to the selected leave type. The selected absence reason code description is displayed in the Abs Reason Description field. The absence reason must be in an active status to be used or updated.
Leave UsedType the amount of leave used for the type of leave and pay date.
Leave EarnedType the amount of leave earned for the type of leave and pay date. This field can be used to award leave to an employee who did not receive leave when the leave was posted for the start of the school year. When payroll is posted, the amount entered here is posted to the employee’s leave earned on the Leave tab in the Staff Job/Pay Data page.
Sub TypeIf this record is being created on this tab, the field is blank and cannot be edited.

If this record was created on the Employee Substitute tab, the field is populated with the substitute type code and cannot be edited.
Process DateDisplays the date processed.
User ID Displays the name of the user who created the pay date data. Users are created in the Security Administration application.

Note: A warning message is displayed when the user attempts to save a leave type that exceeds the defined maximum balance for that leave type. The user is prompted to save or cancel the transaction. If the user chooses to save the transaction, the defined maximum ending balance is used when payroll calculations are performed.

Inquiry From DateType the beginning inquiry date in the MMDDYYYY format. The cursor automatically moves to the Inquiry To Date field. You can accept the default date, or type the ending inquiry date in the MMDDYYYY format. These do not have to be pay dates. If no dates are selected, transmittals for all pay dates are extracted.

Click Retrieve. The detail grid is populated with existing data that is retrieved.

The Process Date field is populated with the date the payroll was processed.

Note: Leave inquiries enable you to view all processed and unprocessed leave transmittals based on the dates entered in the from and to fields. Again, once the inquiry is performed, you simply have to click on the leave type in the upper grid, and if there are any transactions for that leave type, they are displayed.

general/paydate.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/13 17:08 by emoreno