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Update for Active Positions Only

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following options:

A - Calculate Budget Based on Vacancy Data
B - Move Actual Amount to Budget Amount
C - Move Actual Amount to Budget if Actual > Budget

This is a required field.

Update ForecastClick Drop-down Arrow to select Yes or No to update or not update the forecast in the simulation.

Only select Yes when you are ready to secure all of the positions and apply the increase and updates to next year positions. This option moves the simulations into the next year positions, and if selected, the pay and state step increase is updated.

This is a required field.
Update Budget

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following options:

N - Do not update Budget
I - Increase or add to the amounts in Budget
R - Replace the amounts in Budget (This is how next year payroll to next year budget works.)

This is a required field.

Update Budget Amount

Click Drop-down Arrow to select one of the following options:

R - Recommended Amount
A - Approved Amount

This is a required field.

❏ Click Execute to begin the simulation process.

❏ Under Calculation Reports:

  • Select the report(s) from the list. Click Select All or Unselect All to select all of the reports or unselect all reports.
  • Click Generate Reports. The reports are displayed in the order selected.

❏ Click Process to save the data to budget and/or PMIS records based on the Update Options selected. You are prompted to create a backup.

Review the report.

❏ Click Continue to continue to the next report.

❏ Click Return to return to the Calculation Reports page and skip the display of the remaining reports selected.

Duplicate a simulation:

The Duplicate From Simulation field and Duplicate button are only visible when you click Add Simulation.

Duplicate From SimulationType the name of a simulation, or click Drop-down Arrow to select a simulation name from a list.

❏ Click Duplicate to duplicate the simulation.

Delete a simulation:

❏ Click Delete to delete the displayed simulation.

general/pmis/salarysimulation/simulationoptions/body3.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/15 14:37 by emoreno