Click to view the approval path for the requisition. The Approval Path window is displayed.
Under Insert Approver:
In the Approver field, click to select an approver name to insert before or after your name.
Select Before or After to indicate if you want the approver's name to be inserted before or after your name in the approval path.
If an approver is inserted before you, the requisition is available to the new approver. Once the new approver approves the requisition, the requisition is available for your approval.
If an approver is added after you, you can add additional approvers in the requisition flow or add an approver at the end of the approval process.
Click OK to accept the changes.
Click Cancel to close the window without saving the changes.
A new approver cannot be added before the Originator/Requester. A new approver can only be inserted before a logged-on approver.
Users listed in the Approver drop down are set up in Personnel and on the Security Administration > Manage Users page with access to the Purchasing application.
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