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To facilitate changes made to the 2024-2025 Texas Education Data Standards TSDS Staff > StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation domain, the following fields were removed for records with a 2025 school year or greater:

SPED Student Age RangeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the code that identifies the age range of Special Education students.

01 Age 3 Through 5 (Not KG)
02 Age 5 (KG) Through 21)

Classroom PositionPEIMS Reporting Element

Click Drop-down Arrow to indicate the type of position the employee holds in the specific class/section.

• 01 Teacher Of Record
• 02 Assistant Teacher
• 03 Support Teacher
• 04 Substitute Teacher
• 05 PK Classroom Aide

Local Course CodePEIMS Reporting Element

Type the local code assigned by the LEA that identifies the course offering provided for the instruction of students.
Class ID / Section Identifier

PEIMS Reporting Element

Type the 14-character, alphanumeric, district-defined ID identifying a unique course section that is unique for a particular school year, campus, and service ID. This unique ID is assigned to the instructor’s duties for a particular class. The class ID number can be repeated at a campus if multiple teachers are assigned to the same course section. When extracting from the master schedule, the class ID number is set to the course number (four to eight digits) + two-digit section number + one-digit semester number + padding with zeros. Example: 0901-11-1-0000000 Spaces are not allowed in the Class ID field.

Note: When extracting from the master schedule, the class ID will be set to the four-digit course number + two-digit section number + one-digit semester number + 0000000. The first seven digits of the class ID are required, and the system will automatically fill the remaining with 0000000 when the user clicks Save.

Session NameType the session name.
# of StudentsPEIMS Reporting Element

Type the number of students for whom the employee is responsible. This is the count of students in membership in the class as of the reporting date. Only the Teacher of Record is reported with this number; all other staff members are reported with NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS as 0. The field can be a maximum of three digits.
Class TypePEIMS Reporting Element

Click Drop-down Arrow to indicate the type of class providing instruction to students in particular class settings and is used to differentiate classes providing instruction in a regular setting classroom from non-regular classrooms. CLASS-TYPE-CODE is based on the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE reported on the staff responsibility record.
Service IDPEIMS Reporting Element

Click Ellipsis Icon to select the eight-digit code that indicates the services supplied by staff, including both courses and non-teaching responsibilities. Responsibilities such as lunch monitoring duty or playground supervision are not reported.

❏ Under PE Info:

Per TSDS PEIMS reporting, complete the following fields for physical education teachers (i.e., employees who have a PE Service ID (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00051, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, PES00056, 82200XXX, 82210XXX, 82930XXX, 82931XXX, 83200XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX)).

Note: These fields are not reported for employees with PE substitution responsibilities (i.e., employees with service IDs PES00000-PES00015).

The number of days taught is the number of days the employee provides physical education (PE) instruction each week at the campus. This information is collected for the four weeks in October that include the last Friday in October. Valid entries are one digit between 0-7. These fields only apply to instructors who are the Teacher of Record for a course section associated with a PE service ID.

The number of minutes taught is the number of minutes the employee provides physical education (PE) instruction each week at the campus. This information is collected for the four weeks in October that include the last Friday in October. Valid entries are up to four digits between 0-3000. These fields only apply to instructors who are the Teacher of Record for a course-section associated with a PE service ID.

Days Wk 1 PEIMS Reporting Element

Type the value that indicates the number of days in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the first week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
Min Wk 1PEIMS Reporting Element

Type the value that indicates the number of minutes in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the first week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
Days Wk 2PEIMS Reporting Element\

Type the value that indicates the number of days in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the second week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
Min Wk 2 PEIMS Reporting Element

Type the value that indicates the number of minutes in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the second week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
Days Wk 3PEIMS Reporting Element

Type the value that indicates the number of days in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the third week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
Min Wk 3PEIMS Reporting Element

Type the value that indicates the number of minutes in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the third week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
Days Wk 4PEIMS Reporting Element\

Type the value that indicates the number of days in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the fourth week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
Min Wk 4PEIMS Reporting Element

Type the value that indicates the number of minutes in which physical education instruction is provided each week for each course-section by campus during the fourth week of the 4 weeks in October that includes the last Friday in October.
general/staffdemo/responsibilityrecordsfieldsremovedfor2025.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 14:51 by emoreno