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Click Drop-down Arrow to select whether pay from the extra duty position is considered supplemental pay or is part of the employee's standard gross pay. If S is selected, the amount is recorded as supplemental salary in the employee’s calendar, school, and TRS YTD records. (TRS YTD is based on the expense 373 selection for the transmittal.) The resulting distribution history record is created as an S type.

If Y is selected, the following occurs:

The Job Code field is no longer protected and the user can select a job code to be used for the transmittal. The transmittal cannot be saved if the job code is still set as XTRA.

The Suppl Tax field is protected and cannot be changed.

The Campus, Dept, W/C Cd, Pay Type, and Pay Rate fields are changed to be reflective of the job code selected.

The amount is recorded as standard gross salary in the contract or noncontract fields of the calendar and school YTD records and as gross salary in the TRS YTD record. The resulting distribution history record is created as a G type. If the district accrues, accruals are not calculated on this transaction.

Note: The Standard Gross Cd Y A part of std gross (G- type) cannot be processed with an S-type Extra Duty Code and vice versa.

general/standard_gross_cd.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/10 21:08 by emoreno