Set District HR Options

Payroll > Tables > District HR Options

❏ Address the following District HR Options to indicate how hours (actual/scheduled) are reported and processed for TRS purposes.

Update Actual Hours From Payroll ProcessingSelect to use actual hour data from the pay transmittals during the Payroll > Payroll Processing > Run Payroll process to update/insert records in the Actual Hours table that is used for TRS processing. This field is selected by default. If selected, the Payroll > Payroll Processing > Run Payroll > Pre-Post Reports > HRS2700 - Actual Hours Worked report uses data from the transmittals.

If not selected, you must either use the Payroll > Utilities > Import Actual Hours Worked page to import the actual hours from a file or manually enter the data on the Payroll > Maintenance > Actual Hours Worked page.

Per TRS, each employee must have actual hours worked or hours scheduled reported.

❏ Under TRS Extract Options, indicate which hours to report for each listed pay type (pay type 1 - contracted, pay type 2 - non-contracted, pay type 3 - hourly).

Note: Substitutes are paid as contracted and as needed. TRS requires the actual days worked for substitutes, and the actual days and hours worked for retired substitutes.

Use Pay Dates for TRS Month or Actual Date

This field applies to the RP20 and ER20 extracts.

Select A - Actual Hours Table Date to use the actual date from the Maintenance > Actual Hours Worked page to determine the accumulated actual hours worked for pay type 3 employees. And, determine the days worked for pay type 4 jobs (i.e., substitutes). The actual date, month and year, must be the same as the TRS reporting month and year.

The RP20 and ER20 extracts include all actual hours worked table entries regardless if the associated pay date is processed or unprocessed. The TRS month associated with the pay date is ignored.

Select P - Pay Dates for TRS Month to use the pay date from the pay dates table to determine the accumulated actual hours for a pay type 3 job. And, determine the days worked for pay type 4 jobs (i.e., substitutes). The associated pay date must be a processed pay date that has the same month and year as the TRS reporting month and year. The actual date is ignored.

Pay Type 1 - Report Actual or Scheduled Hours

This field applies to the RP20 extract.

Select A - Actual Hours to report actual hours worked for a pay type 1 job. Review the Use Pay Dates for TRS Month or Actual Date field selection to determine how the records are selected from the actual hours worked table.

Select S - Scheduled Hours to report scheduled hours worked for a pay type 1 job. If S - Scheduled Hours is selected, then the hours are reported based on the assigned calendar. The TRS workday calendar is used for employees who do not have an assigned calendar.

Pay Type 2 - Report Actual or Scheduled Hours

This field applies to the RP20 extract.

Select A - Actual Hours to report actual hours worked for a pay type 2 job. Review the Use Pay Dates for TRS Month or Actual Date field selection to determine how the records are selected from the actual hours worked table.

Select S - Scheduled Hours to report scheduled hours worked for a pay type 2 job. If S - Scheduled Hours is selected, then the hours are reported based on the assigned calendar. The TRS workday calendar is used for employees who do not have an assigned calendar.

Pay Type 3 - Report Actual or Scheduled Hours

This field applies to the RP20 extract.

Select A - Actual Hours to report actual hours worked for a pay type 3 job. Review the Use Pay Dates for TRS Month or Actual Date field selection to determine how the records are selected from the actual hours worked table.

Select S - Scheduled Hours to report scheduled hours worked for a pay type 3 job. If S - Scheduled Hours is selected, then the hours are reported based on the assigned calendar. The TRS workday calendar is used for employees who do not have an assigned calendar.

Update Job Codes

Personnel > Tables > Job/Contract > Job Codes

Use the Job Code table to update the FTE Hrs field for all full-time jobs. This information is used on the ED40 (Contract and Position) record to report the number of hours an employee must work in order to be considered full-time.

❏ Locate a job code or click +Add to add a new job code.

❏ In the FTE Hrs field, type the number of full-time equivalent hours for the selected job code.

❏ Click Save.

Update Employee Records

Personnel > Maintenance > Employment Info

Use the Staff/Job Pay Data page to update the necessary TRS reporting data fields.

❏ Retrieve an employee.

Employment Type

Required TRS reporting field.

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the employee's employment type code.

F - Half-Time or more
M - Temporary
P - Less than Half-Time
S - Substitute

Retiree Employment Type

Required TRS reporting field. (for retirees)

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the retired employee's retiree employment type code.

C - Combination of Substitute and Half-Time or less
F - Full-Time
H - Half-Time or less
S - Substitute

ERS Retiree Health Elig

Select if the employee is an Employment Retirement System of Texas (ERS) retiree and is eligible to receive health coverage for the current year through ERS. If selected, the employee does not pay the Member Insurance Contribution (IN), and the employer does not pay the Reporting Entity TRS-Care payment (RI).

NY ERS Retiree Health Elig

Select if the employee is an Employment Retirement System of Texas (ERS) retiree, and is eligible to receive health coverage for the next year through ERS.

Payroll > Maintenance > Staff/Job Pay Data > Job Info

TRS Member Pos

Required TRS reporting field.

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the code indicating the employee's classification. This field is required for All employees.

01 - Professional staff
02 - Teacher, librarian
03 - Support staff
04 - Bus driver
05 - FT nurse/Counselor
06 - Peace Officers
07 - Food service worker
09 - Summer School

Notes: A value must be selected in the TRS Member Pos field and the contract begin date must be less than or equal to the current month when extracting the Contract and Position (ED40) report for the first time (i.e., First Time Report ED40 is selected.)

The TRS Member Pos field must be set to 01, 02, or 05 if the value in the State Min Salary field is greater than zero.

Wkly Hrs Sched

Required TRS reporting field.

Type the employee’s scheduled weekly hours for a specific job where applicable.

❏ Click Save.