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❏ Click Uniform Acct Distr to assign one or more account codes to the entire requisition. You can split all of the costs for a requisition item between two or more funds. The percentage split does not have to be the same for each fund, but the sum of all percentages must equal 100%.

The Uniform Account Distribution pop-up window is displayed.

❏ Complete the following fields:

Account Code
DescriptionThis field is populated with the account description from the Finance chart of accounts.
BalanceDisplays the fund balance available in the account. A negative balance indicates that the fund has available funds.
PctType the percent of that item to charge the selected fund. Each requisition must equal 100%.

For example, the percent would be 100% if you paid from one account; however, if you paid from two accounts, you could split the amount 50/50, 75/25, or 60/40 for a total of 100%.
AmountType the amount to charge the selected fund. The amount that will be charged to that account according to the percent entered in the Percent Field.

❏ Click Refresh Totals to update the totals if any amounts are changed in the grid.

❏ Click Calculate Percent to populate the Percent column based on the amount entered in the Amount column.

❏ Click Calculate Amount to populate the Amount column based on the amount entered in the Percent column.

  • Click OK to apply the amounts.
  • Click Cancel to close the window without applying the amounts.
general/warehouse_uniform_dist.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/17 20:59 by emoreno