Grants and Projects > Maintenance > Approval Dashboard
This page allows you (the signed-on approver) to view a list of all grant budget revision requests and reimbursement requests awaiting your approval for a year/grant type. You can elect to approve all requests, individual requests, or return all requests or individual requests. Additionally, approvers can update the request details prior to approving or returning the request.
Upon retrieving the page, a list of all budget revision requests and reimbursement requests awaiting your approval is displayed regardless of the year and grant type.
Use the following fields to narrow your search of pending approvals:
❏ Click to select the request type (ALL, Budget Adj & Rev, Reimbursement).
❏ Click Retrieve. A list of pending requests matching your search criteria is displayed if any.
Under Transactions Pending Approval:
❏ Select the top-level check box to select/unselect all transactions. Or, select individual check boxes to only select specific transactions.
❏ Click Approve to approve the request.
❏ Click Return to return the request to the originator. The returned requests are removed from the list.
Retrieve |
The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost. |
Documents | View or attach supporting documentation. |
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