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Leave Adjustment - HRS3200

Payroll > Maintenance > Leave Account Transaction > Leave Adjustment

This tab is used to add/change leave records for an employee after a payroll is run. Leave that has been posted to a payroll (including the last payroll) is managed on this tab. The Leave Adjustment tab adjusts the leave that is reflected in the leave history and employee master leave records. The input section allows you to select what processed records to display by indicating the pay date. YTD pay transaction records are updated when data is saved. All of the leave records that have been posted for this pay date are displayed. You can change the leave earned, leave used, or service record days deducted. You can also add additional records for the indicated pay date. If a leave type was entered in error and the leave should have been changed to a different leave type, change all the amounts to zero, and add or insert a new row for the correct leave type.

Adjust leave data:

Retrieve an existing record.

Begin typing the employee name or number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select an employee and click Retrieve. Or, click Directory to perform a search in the Employees directory.

The top grid displays the employee's leave balances.

❏ Click Print Balance to print a summary of all of the employee's beginning/current leave balances.

❏ In the free-form area between the grids, in the Pay Date field, click Drop-down Arrow to select the pay date. The pay date is displayed in the Pay Date field, and the check number is displayed in the Check Number field.

❏ If the check number is not displayed in the Check Number field, click Drop-down Arrow to select the check number. The check number is displayed in the Check Number field. If no check numbers are available, the employee was not paid on the selected pay date.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description
Abs/Earned DateType the absence date in the MMDDYYYY format. This is a required field.
Leave TypeClick Ellipsis Icon to select the leave type code. The available leave types correspond to the selected employee. The selected leave type code description is displayed in the Leave Type Description field. This is a required field.

The leave type must be in an active status to be used or updated.
Abs ReasonClick Ellipsis Icon to select the absence reason code. The available absence reasons correspond to the selected leave type. The selected absence reason code description is displayed in the Abs Reason Description field.

The absence reason must be in an active status to be used or updated.
Leave UsedType the amount of leave used for the type of leave and pay date.
Leave EarnedType the amount of leave earned for the type of leave and pay date.
Svc Rec Days DedType the number of days to deduct from the employee's service record.
Time of DayClick Drop-down Arrow to select the substitute code.
User IDDisplays the name of the user who created the transaction. Users are created in the Security Administration application.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.
payroll/maintenance/leaveaccounttransaction/leaveadjustment.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/24 15:26 by emoreno