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Mass Update Pay Date - HRS3200

Payroll > Maintenance > Leave Account Transaction > Mass Update Pay Date

This tab is used primarily to update the leave on the service record when the service record has been created already but not all leave for that year has been processed. The Mass Update Pay Date tab allows the users to change pay dates for unprocessed leave transmittals.

Example: An employee is paid off in June, and the new contract begin date is 07-01-2019. The service record for the employee has already been created for the 2018-2019 school year, and his leave balances reflect leave posted through June. Leave requests were then received for absence dates of 06-25-2019, 06-28-2019, and 07-20-2019, and are before the July payroll is processed. The 06-25-2019 and 06-28-2019 leave should affect the 2018-2019 service record and should have been included with the June payroll. The 07-20-2019 leave should affect the 2019-2020 service record and should not be posted with the July payroll, since there are June absence dates. The June absence dates should be posted first, so the 2018-2019 service record can be updated and reflect the correct leave balances for that school year. All leave is posted to the July pay date that has not yet been processed.

The Mass Update Pay Date tab enables the user to move the 07-20-2019 date from the unprocessed July pay date to the August pay date for August posting, which is eventually part of the leave balances for the 2019-2020 service record. When July payroll is processed, the employee’s leave master is updated with the June absence dates, and then the 2018-2019 service record leave only can be updated easily through the Extract Teacher Service Record utility.

Mass update employee leave transmittals:

Field Description
Change to Pay DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select a pay date to mass update unprocessed leave transmittals. This field only displays unprocessed pay dates. This field must be populated.

❏ Under Update By:

Pay DateSelect to update unprocessed leave transmittals by pay date.
Emp NbrSelect to update unprocessed leave transmittals by employee number.

❏ If Pay Date is selected under Update By, the following fields are displayed.

Pay Date - FromClick Drop-down Arrow to select a from and to pay date. The pay date fields are optional and only display pay dates where unprocessed leave transmittals exist (regardless if the pay date has been processed or not).
Abs/Earned DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select an absence date range. These do not have to be pay dates. If no dates are selected, absence dates for all specified pay dates are extracted.
Leave TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a leave type to limit the transmittals retrieved to a specific leave type. This is an optional field.
ReasonClick Drop-down Arrow to select a reason to limit the transmittals retrieved to a specific absence reason code. This is an optional field.

Note: If the leave transmittal was created as a result of employee substitute leave, the substitute leave record will also be updated with the leave transmittal and will remain tied to that employee. Only the leave transmittal pay date is changed; the substitute's extra duty transmittal pay date is not changed. The employee/substitute report displays the new pay date for the employee and the existing pay date for the substitute. Substitute extra duty transmittals created through employee/substitute transactions cannot be duplicated or copied to another pay date.

❏ If Emp Nbr is selected under Update By, the following fields are displayed.

Emp Nbr

Type an employee number, if known. The employee's name is displayed at the top of the page, and unprocessed leave transmittals are displayed in the grid below.

If the employee number is not known, click Directory. The Employees dialog box is displayed.
To search for a specific employee, type data in one or more of the search fields.
Click Search. A list of data that matches the search criteria is displayed.
Select an employee number item from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

The employee's name is displayed in the Name field, and employee data is displayed in the grid below. The Emp Nbr field must be populated to retrieve any transmittals for the mass update process.

Abs/Earned DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select an absence date range. These do not have to be pay dates. If no dates are selected, absence dates for all specified pay dates are extracted.
Leave TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a leave type to limit the transmittals retrieved to a specific leave type. This is an optional field.
ReasonClick Drop-down Arrow to select a reason to limit the transmittals retrieved to a specific absence reason code. This is an optional field.

Select an employee leave transmittal row for the mass update process. Use one of the following methods to select a group of employees:

To select multiple rows when the employees are consecutive, select an employee to start at, and then press and hold SHIFT while selecting an employee to end the selection process.

To select multiple row when the employees are not consecutive, select an employee number, and then select other individual employee numbers from different parts of the listing.

Click Select All to select the Select check box for each employee.

Click Unselect All to clear the Select check box for each employee.

If the date in the Change to Pay Date field is the same as the pay date associated with a transmittal, Select is disabled for that row.

❏ Click Save to save the changes.

❏ Click Execute to display the Mass Update Leave Transmittals preview report. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to update the selected transmittals. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the Mass Update Pay Date tab without updating the selected leave transmittals.

A message is displayed indicating that the mass update was successful. Click OK.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

payroll/maintenance/leaveaccounttransaction/massupdatepaydate.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/25 19:10 by emoreno