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Create General Journal - HRS5500

Payroll > Payroll Processing > EOY Payroll Accruals > Create General Journal

Before the salary amounts can be posted to the Finance application, you must create the general journal. The tab is used to generate all of the EOY payroll accrual transactions that will be posted to Finance. The tab is available after calculations have been completed successfully.

The Create General Journal tab contains a display-only grid of previous pay runs that have not been interfaced to Finance.

Create a general journal:

File IDClick Drop-down Arrow to select a file ID to be used for Finance posting.

If the file ID is not C (e.g., 4 or 5), the clearing fund also needs to be selected. Once a file ID has been selected and the general journal has been saved as pending to interface to Finance, or the general journal has been interfaced to Finance, a different file ID cannot be selected.

If the user has already created general journal entries for other pay dates, the File ID field is disabled and only the clearing fund is available if the file ID is not C (e.g., 4 or 5). The file ID must be the same for all pending general journals. If an invalid file ID is selected, you must select Clear EOY Accrual Data Only on the Clear Next Year Tables tab from the Next Year menu. You need to perform calculations, and the file ID can be accessed on the Create General Journal page. If an invalid file ID is selected and the general journal is interfaced to Finance, you need to import your backup prior to interfacing.
Clearing FundThis field is displayed and accessible when the selected file ID is not file ID C (e.g., 4 or 5). The field is required because it determines the accrual object and subobject codes that are affected if Post to Master and Interface to Finance is selected. In the Clearing Fund field, click Drop-down Arrow to select a clearing fund.
JV NumberType the journal voucher number to be used in finance transactions. Leading zeros are not required. If left blank, the default format for the journal voucher number is P + current year pay frequency + month and day of the calculation date of the row or rows selected.

❏ Select a pay run row for which to create a general journal.

❏ Click Execute. The EOY Accrual General Journal Transactions report is displayed, and the following buttons are enabled:

  • Click Save as Pending. A message is displayed indicating that the general journal transactions were successfully saved as pending.
  • Click Print to print the report. Review the report.
  • Click Preview to not save the transactions and return to the Create General Journal tab. The pay run that was being processed is shown in the grid.
payroll/payrollprocessing/eoypayrollaccruals/creategeneraljournal.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/21 20:02 by emoreno