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Check Void - HRS5200

Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Adjustments > Check Void

This tab is used to void a specific payroll check for an employee. Once the void process is completed, the user should use the Payroll Processing/Interface Processing menu item to cause the voided check to be recorded in the general ledger and impact the correct accounts.

The Check Void tab requires that you select the pay date in which the check was issued. The program then displays all of the checks written during that pay period and allows the user to select those checks that should be voided.

By processing the voided check, the following tables are affected:

  • All entries to the history tables (pay, deduction, job, leave, leave dock and account distribution) are reversed by inserting new records with the amounts multiplied by -1. The original records remain the same.
  • TRS deposits, grants, workers' compensation, calendar YTD, and school YTD historical values are reduced by the amount of the void. The user has the option to affect the employee master leave balances or unemployment quarterly amounts. When the school YTD record is updated, if the check being voided is for an employee with a nonstandard job (TRS Year selected on the employee job record), the accrual amounts to be voided are reflected in the school year that they were originally saved. The school year record selected to be updated is based on the contract begin date from the job history record created when the check was originally issued for the pay date being voided.
  • The TRS dock amount is not automatically reversed by the check void process. If an employee had transmittals for the pay date of the check being voided that affected the TRS dock amount, the user is responsible for maintaining this amount in the TRS Dock column on the Maintenance > TRS YTD Data page.
  • If the check being voided was for multiple contract payments, the TRS monthly state minimum salary and monthly wholly separate amount are automatically reversed for one payment only. The user is responsible for maintaining the amounts for the remaining payments in the TRS Monthly State Min Salary column and Monthly Wholly Separate Amount column on the Maintenance > TRS YTD Data page.
  • If the check being voided included an XTRA job, the remaining amount and number of payments are not adjusted for any of the extra duty codes. The user must adjust these using the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info tab.
  • For deduction liability checks, if deduction checks have already been extracted for the pay date, a negative transaction amount is added to the deduction liability check table for the pay date. The deductions associated with the posted check must have the Deduct Chk field selected on the Tables > Tax/Deductions > Deduction Codes tab. These records may be modified by using the Payroll Processing > Deduction Checks > Transaction Maintenance tab.
  • For transfer transactions, if transfer transactions have already been extracted for the pay date, a negative transaction amount is added to the wire transfer table for the pay date. The transfer transactions associated with the posted check must have the Wire field selected on the Tables > Tax/Deductions > Deduction Codes tab. These records may be modified by using the Payroll Processing > Deduction Checks > Transaction Maintenance tab.

When the void process for a pay date is complete, print the reports of the void using the Adjustment Reports tab to identify any errors that occurred during the void process and have the supporting documentation of the voided check.

Note: Leave that was earned as a result of using the Increment Leave option in the Payroll Calculation process is not reversed. Only leave earned or used that resides in a leave transmittal is reversed. If the Adjust Leave Balance option is chosen and the district uses the Max Balance field on the Leave Type tab, the leave ending balance that is calculated is compared to the maximum balance. If the calculated balance exceeds the maximum balance, the leave used and ending balance are adjusted to reflect the maximum balance allowed for the leave type, and a message is displayed regarding this adjustment.

Void a check:

Field Description
Pay DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select a pay date.

The system displays all available checks for the selected pay date and pay frequency on the left side of the page. Use the vertical scroll bar to locate a check to void, and then select the check to highlight the row. Use the following buttons to include or remove an entry or entries in the check voiding process:

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Under Increase Remaining Payments, the following fields are selected by default. Clear the field(s) to not increase the remaining number of payments by one.

ContractIf selected, the remaining number of payments is increased by one, and the remaining balance of the contract is increased by the pay rate from the job history record.
DeductionsIf selected, the remaining number of payments is increased by one.

❏ Under Reverse, the Unemployment Quarterly Amounts and Leave Balances fields are selected by default.

❏ Click Void Check(s). A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully. Click OK.

payroll/payrollprocessing/payrolladjustments/checkvoid.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/10 15:53 by emoreno