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Percent - HRS5800

Payroll > Payroll Processing > Special Adjustments > Percent

This tab is used to create a special adjustment transaction that moves computed amounts based on a user-defined percentage and pay date range. These amounts can be transferred from one or more account codes to one or more account codes. Adjustment transactions can only be made for pay dates that have been processed and that occurred within the current school year. If you cannot access the range of pay dates you expected, use the Special Adjustments > Accruals Only tab. The reason the pay dates are limited to just the current school year is that if you are modifying a nonstandard employee, some of the actual expenditure belongs to a prior school year and cannot be changed.

When moving amounts for G account types, the To Job Code field and associated distribution codes must already exist on Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Distributions tab before processing can take place. For all other account types, the To Account Code field is enabled allowing you to select from the Finance Chart of Accounts list for the to accounts and enter the percentage to be used for each of the selected to accounts. You also have the option to click Add when modifying the To Account Code on the page and the from account type that is selected is not G. The percent must total 100 percent. This feature allows you to move distribution history account types that were used in paying the employee and are not available on the employee’s master distribution.

All amounts from history associated with the From Job Code field, pay date range, user-selected distribution codes, and associated benefits and accruals are automatically moved to the To Job Code field and selected distribution codes. The calculated amounts are then disbursed among the account codes under To Account Code based on the percentages in the employee’s existing distribution record. An adjustment number is automatically assigned by the system. Also, the from and to account types must match for the Special Adjustments program to be successful.

  • This tab does not create a general journal that can be processed through the Interface Processing page. A general journal is created and will automatically interface to finance when Interface to Finance is selected and the adjustment is processed. Each time an account is processed through this tab, an adjustment number is assigned for that pay date. A maximum of 999 adjustments are allowed for each pay date. This maximum includes adjustments made on the Percent and Accruals Only tabs, Payroll Adjustments (check voids and issues), Zero School YTD, and Accrual Variance.
  • If an account code listed under From Account Code includes a grant code, the associated record in the TRS YTD Grant information for the employee is also affected. The TRS grant month and year are determined by the TRS month and TRS year associated with the Pay Date Range To field.
  • If an account code listed under To Account Code includes a grant code, the associated record in the TRS YTD Grant information for the employee is also affected. If there is no existing grant record, then one is inserted. The TRS grant month and year are determined by the TRS month and TRS year associated with the Pay Date Range To field.
  • The system will recognize funds that are set up in the Fund to Grant code table.

Note: Pay dates for employees who are classed as nonstandard do not include the pay dates that were for the prior school year expenses but for the current school year accruals.


Create a special adjustment by percent:

Field Description

Begin typing the employee name or number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select an employee and click Retrieve. Or, click Directory to perform a search in the Employees directory.

❏ Under Post Options, select from the following options:

Post to MasterSelect to update only Human Resources tables.
Post to Master and Interface to FinanceSelect to update Human Resources tables; automatically creates and posts the transactions to Finance.
JV NumberThis field is only enabled when Post to Master and Interface to Finance is selected. Users can type the journal voucher number for the Finance transactions. Leading zeros are not required. If left blank, the default format for the journal voucher number is P + current year pay frequency + month and day of the calculation date in the Pay Date Range To field.
Interface Transaction DateThis field is enabled only when Post to Master and Interface to Finance is selected. The system is set to the current system date, but users can change the date. This date is applied to transactions that are created for finance and is displayed in the Date field on the general ledger.

❏ Under Accounting Period, if Post to Master and Interface to Finance is selected, select from the following options:

Post to Current Acct PeriodWhen you click Execute, the following may occur:

If Finance end-of-month processing is being performed against any file ID, then you may not post to either accounting period.

If the current and next accounting periods are the same and the current accounting period is closed, a message is displayed indicating that the current accounting period XX is closed and that the next accounting period is also set to XX. You are not allowed to post at this time. Click OK; then click Cancel to return to the Percent tab.

If the current accounting period is closed, a message is displayed indicating that the current accounting period XX is closed. You are not allowed to post at this time. Click OK; then click Cancel to return to the Percent tab. You can select the next accounting period for posting.
Post to Next Acct PeriodThis option is selected by default if the current accounting period is being closed.

When you click Execute, the following may occur:

If the current and next accounting periods are the same, a message is displayed indicating that the current account period XX is closed and that the next accounting period is also set to XX. You are not allowed to post at this time. Click OK; then click Cancel to return to the Percent tab.

❏ Under Pay Date Range, both From and To are required fields. Pay dates displayed in the drop-down lists are based on the pay dates associated with the current school year.

FromClick Drop-down Arrow to select the beginning pay date.
ToClick Drop-down Arrow to select the ending pay date. If the To pay date selected is the pay date associated with EOY accruals, a dialog box is displayed for the Posting Pay Date. You can select a pay date for the Posting Pay Date, or click Cancel. If you select a pay date and closes the dialog box, the selected pay date is displayed on the right side of the page along with the next available adjustment number for the selected pay date. This is the pay date that is used for the payroll history records. This is also the pay date that is displayed on the Interface Processing page and used for the Finance JV number.
Pay DateThis field is display only and is the To pay date that is selected.
Adjustment NbrThis field is display only and is system generated based on the number of adjustments made in the selected pay date displayed on the page.
From Job CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the employee's job code from the transaction history record. This job code does not have to exist in the employee’s current Staff Job/Pay Data tab. This is a required field, and you can select only one job code per transaction. If the From Job Code field is XTRA, the To Job Code field is automatically set to XTRA and is disabled.
To Job CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the employee's current job code. This job code must exist in the employee’s current Staff Job/Pay Data tab. This is a required field, and you can select only one job code per transaction.
From Primary CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the employee's primary campus from history. If the selected job code is XTRA, the primary campus selection is disabled.

A grid is displayed under From Account Code with the account type, account codes, descriptions, and TRS grant codes (as applicable) from the employee's YTD distribution history accounts. These are the valid accounts that can be selected.

In the Select field, select accounts to include in the special adjustment for this pay date range.
To Primary CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the employee's primary campus from the employee's current record. If the selected job code is XTRA, the primary campus selection is disabled.

If the From Acct Type selected is G type, a grid is displayed under To Account Code with the account type, account codes, descriptions, and TRS grant codes (as applicable) for the employee’s current distribution accounts. These are the valid accounts that can be selected.

Click Select to include the account in the special adjustment for this pay date. The Execute button is enabled when account codes are selected in both From and To Account Code grids.

If the From Acct Type selected is not G type, a grid is displayed under To Account Code. If the From Acct Type exists in the employee’s current distribution (i.e., B, T, or S), those accounts are displayed in the To Account Code grid along with the distribution percent and the TRS Grant Code. You can select from these accounts. To add additional accounts and percentages, click Add. The distribution percentages must total to 100 percent.

The Perfor Pay field is display only under From Account Code, and displays the performance pay selection from the job history. The Perfor Pay field is enabled under To Account Code only if the To Job Code is XTRA or the Acct Type is anything other than G (standard gross salary). Select Perfor Pay if applicable.
Percent of AccountThe system is set to 100%. Type a new value in the field or accept the default.

❏ Click Execute.

  • For school years 2006 and greater, if the From Job Code field is different from the To Job Code field and either of the jobs accrue, the associated school YTD job detail record will also be affected. If the to job is a new job for the employee and the to job accrues, a new school YTD job detail record is created.
  • When changing from a standard job code to a nonstandard job code and the contract begin date is not in July or August, a message is displayed to notify users that a new school YTD record for the new school year is created for accrual amounts and asks if you want to continue. Click Yes to create the new table or No to cancel the entire process.
  • Another message is displayed to notify you that the new school YTD table was created if the user clicks Yes on the previous message, or a standard job code changes to a nonstandard job code and the contract begin date is in July or August.
  • Click OK to close the message.

If Post to Master is selected under Post Options, the Special Adjustments for Percents Employee Report is displayed with a listing of the current adjustments. Review the report.

If you click Process before you print, the process report is lost and cannot be re-retrieved.

❏ Click Process to accept the adjustments.

❏ If Post to Master and Interface to Finance is selected under Post Options, the General Journal Transactions Report is displayed with a listing of the current adjustments. Do one of the following:

  • Click Emp Rpt to switch to the Special Adjustments for Percents Report. You can then:
    • Click General Jrnl to switch to the General Journal Transactions Report.
    • Click Print to display the Special Adjustments for Percents Report. If you click Process before you click Print, then the process report is lost and cannot be retrieved.
    • Click Process to accept the adjustments and to close the dialog box.
    • Click Cancel to terminate the special adjustment without saving the changes and to close the dialog box.
    • Click the print icon from the browser to print a copy of the General Journal Transactions Report. If you click Process before you print, the process report will be lost and cannot be retrieved. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to accept the adjustments.

❏ Click Execute to execute the process.

❏ Click Cancel to terminate the special adjustment without saving the changes and to close the dialog box.

If all amounts for the voided totals and issued totals are zero, Process is disabled. This can occur when the selected pay date range involves checks that have been issued and then voided.

To adjust another job code for the same employee, click Drop-down Arrow in the From Job Code field to select the employee's next job code.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to clear all data from the tab, and then select a new employee.

The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

payroll/payrollprocessing/specialadjustments/percent.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/28 21:12 by emoreno