Payroll > Reports > Payroll Reports > Employee Substitute Report
The report reflects the information contained in the substitute leave database table. The user must select whether to sort the report by alpha, pay campus, primary campus, or absence date; and the program is totaled by selection. The user must also select S for Substitute or E for Employee to determine the major emphasis of the report. This choice determines the primary report item. For example, if the user types S, substitute one is reported first with all employees he has replaced; and then substitute two is reported with all employees he has replaced. If the user types E, employee one is reported with all substitutes who have replaced him. Entries are sorted by absence date within each major entry.
Selections can be made to filter by substitute type(s), employee number, from and to pay dates, from and to leave dates, and absence reason code(s). Data is filtered also by the current year/next year and frequency of the user logon. Frequency, user-provided employee number, and from and to pay dates are used to filter the primary report item only. If the user types S, substitute frequency, employee number, and from/to dates are filtered. Employee information is not filtered.
If from and to pay dates are not provided, the from pay date of 01-01-1900 is used, and today’s date is used as the to pay date. If the user wants only one pay date to be reported, he must enter that date as both the from and to pay dates. The same is true of the from and to leave dates.
The deduction YTD amounts are derived from the deduction history for the calendar year.
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