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HRS8900 - Employee Data (ED)

Payroll > Reports > TRS Reports > Employee Data (ED)

This report is used to verify the employee data records to be submitted to TRS. You can use the report to review the employee data for accuracy and to verify that corrections were entered correctly. The report can be printed as often as required before actually creating the TRS employee data submission file.

This report prints in landscape orientation.

Parameter Parameter Description
From Report Date (MMYYYY)Type the from report date in the MMYYYY format. This is a required field.
To Report Date (MMYYYY)Type the to report date in the MMYYYY format. This is a required field.
Sort by Alpha (A), Employee Nbr (N)A - Sort the report alphabetically.

N - Sort the report by employee number.

This is a required field.
Include Reports (Select From List)Type a Y or an N to include or exclude specific reports (Demographics (ED20); Demographic Adjustment (ED25); Contract and Position (ED40); Contract and Position Adjustment (ED45); Termination (ED90)) separating each of the reports with a comma and no space (e.g., Y,N,N,N,Y). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to include reports. This is a required field.
Select Employee(s), or blank for ALLType the employee number separating multiple employee numbers with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for employees. Otherwise, leave blank to use all employee numbers.

Generate the report.

payroll/reports/trsreports/employeedataed.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/02 12:41 by emoreno