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Accrual Expense - HRS2950

Payroll > Tables > Accrual Expense

If you receive a Payroll Accrual Distribution Error Listing during the payroll processing calculations, use this page to build the Accrual Expense table to post the accruals to the current fiscal year. You can designate a different fiscal year for distribution history records (accruals) for the school year. The table can be used when a fiscal year for a fund is not to be used (e.g., Federal Funds), and the new fiscal year should reflect the posting. To select a fund on this table, it must exist in the distribution history record. If a fund does not display for selection and it is in the distribution history record, adjust the first pay date of the school year on the District HR Options page so that the fund displays and can be selected. Then change the first pay date back to the original date. Enter the fiscal year for funds in account distribution history that have a different fiscal year. When the payroll is calculated, this causes the distribution of accruals to be posted in Finance for the fiscal year entered. However, the remainder of the account code will be the original account used when the amounts were first accrued.


It is important to note that this feature only affects distribution history records (accruals). If there are insufficient accruals to pay employees, their master distribution records are used to create the necessary expense. If there is an excess amount in accruals, the distribution history record dictates to which account the amount is credited. The fund must exist in the employee’s distribution history record in order to be affected by this table.


Use this page for nonstandard employees who were paid in July or August for one fiscal year, but it no longer exists in their current master distribution record because of the new budget year. This page can also be used when you do not want to use the Special Adjustments Accruals Only tab to make individual account distribution changes when only the fiscal year is different in the history and the current master account distribution records.

Note: This table cannot be used to expense accruals that exist in the account distribution history for one fund and now needs to be expensed to a different fund. It is important that the fiscal years in this table be maintained so they reflect the proper fiscal year for account distribution history accrual withdrawal and posting. Failure to do so results in posting to Finance for an account with an incorrect fiscal year.

It is important that the fiscal years in this table be maintained so they reflect the proper fiscal year for account distribution history accrual withdrawal and posting. Failure to do so results in posting to Finance for an account with an incorrect fiscal year.

Expense accruals:

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description

Type a three-digit fund that may be in the employees’ distribution history (accrual) records where an alternate fiscal year needs to be used for the posting of the accrual expense. The first search is for a specific fund (all three digits match). If the fund is not found, the next search starts with the first two digits of the fund, and if not found, it searches for the first digit of the fund. If no match is found, no change occurs, and the accrual expense is posted according to what is in the account distribution history.

Note: A complete fund mask (XXX) cannot be used.

Expense Fiscal YearType a one-digit code to be used in conjunction with the Fund field to identify employee distribution history (accrual) records that need to be posted with a different fiscal year (see the step above).
DescriptionType the fund description. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

PrintClick to print the report. Review the report.
Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

payroll/tables/accrualexpense.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/25 20:31 by emoreno