Import WorkJournal Requests - HRS7920

Payroll > Utilities > Import WorkJournal Requests

This page is used to import employee WorkJournal requests for each of the work weeks in the pay period that were submitted through EmployeePortal. Only WorkJournal entries that are in an Approved status are imported. This process creates a pay transmittal to be processed by payroll. The data retrieved on this page is based on the pay frequency to which you are logged on.

Important: If there are multiple users running this utility simultaneously on the same database, data issues may occur. Access should be limited to one or two users per LEA.


  • The Leave Total on WorkJournal requests does not include any leave that was entered on the Payroll > Maintenance > Leave Account Transaction page. However, if the employee has leave entered in Payroll, those amounts will be included in the payroll calculations.
  • Click here to view calculation notes for pay type 2 OT/ST OT.
  • If an employee has a WorkJournal request for a job code that no longer exists on the employee's master job record, the request is displayed but cannot be selected for processing.

Retrieve and process records:

Field Description
Pay Date (MM-DD-YYYY)Click Drop-down Arrow to select an unprocessed pay date for the logged on pay frequency from the Pay Dates lookup. The selected pay date is used when creating the pay transmittals. Only one pay date can be selected. This field is required.

The Pay Date Range is automatically populated based on the Begin Date and End Date for selected pay date on the Payroll > Tables > Pay Dates.

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of all approved and pending WorkJournal requests within the selected pay date range is displayed. The following details are included for each request:

Note: Although pending requests are displayed on this page, they are not imported until they are approved. This information can be useful in determining which requests still need approval.


❏ In the grid, select the WorkJournal requests to be included in the import process. Use the following to sort the data as needed.

Ascending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order
Descending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in descending order

❏ Use the check box at the top of the grid to select or unselect all records on the selected page.

In the pagination section, the from and to range of data for the selected page is displayed based on the sorted column. Click Drop-down Arrow to view the from and to data of all pages.

❏ Click Execute. The WorkJournal Transmittals Report is displayed. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to continue the process. A message is displayed indicating that the process was successful.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to reset the data on the page. The page is cleared and set to the default page; however, the previously selected pay date remains selected.