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Pay Type 2 OT and ST OT Calculations

OT = Overtime - Calculated if the employee has physically worked over 40 hours? (excluding leave hours).
ST OT = Straight Overtime - Calculated for those hours for leave and under 40.

If the employee has 40 hours and leave is being used, a warning is displayed on the report.


  • Std Hrs per Day = if Job info hrs per day > 0 then job info hrs per day else HR Options hrs per day.
  • Std Wrk Wk Hrs = number work days on calendar * Std Hrs per Day
  • Tot Lv Hrs = total accumulation of leave hours used for the work week
  • Act Hrs = total accumulation of work journal entries
  • Dock Rate = if pay info dock rate > 0 then pay info dock rate else daily rate / Std Hrs per Day

Regular OT Calculations:

  • Reg OT Hrs = if act_hrs > 40 then act_hrs - 40.
  • Reg OT Pay = Reg OT Hrs * ovtm rate

Straight OT Calculations:

Adj STD Hrs = Std Wrk Wk Hrs - Tot Lv Hrs

  • if Adj STD Hrs < 0 then msg is issued that total leave exceeds standard work week hours and emp is not processed.
  • if Act Hrs >= Adj STD Hrs then
    • if Act Hrs > 40 then ST OT HRS = 40 - Adj STD Hrs
    • if Act Hrs ⇐ 40 then ST OT HRS = Act Hrs - Adj STD Hrs
    • ST OT Pay = ST OT HRS * daily_rate / Std Hrs Per Day

Dock Hrs Calculations:

  • if Act Hrs < Adj STD Hrs then
    • dock hrs = Adj STD Hrs - Act Hrs
    • dock amt = dock hrs * dock rate
general/importwjpay2otcalcs.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/21 14:23 by emoreno