Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Salary Calculation
This utility is used to update salary data for a number of employees at a single time. Data may be updated by a variety of criteria including pay type, pay grade, primary campus, and payroll frequency. Once salary data is altered using this page, changes are reflected in the individual employee records.
The system makes salary calculations based on the salary concept which uses one of the following three formulas: midpoint, annual salary, or hourly/daily rate.
Caution: Because of the profound and widespread effects caused by this function, users should exercise caution when executing mass update salary calculations.
❏ Under Parameters:
TIP: Prior to processing a mass update, capture a screenshot of the parameters used for future reference.
Based on the parameters selected, the following results may occur:
❏ Under Type of Calculation:
Salary | Select to run the regular salary calculation. |
State Minimum Only | Select to only run the state minimum calculation. |
Apply the Percent of Day Employed to Salary Amount | Select to calculate the salary for either the Salary option or the State Minimum Only option based on the percentage of day employed. |
❏ Click Execute to execute the process. A preview report is displayed. Review the report.
❏ Click Process to accept the changes and continue. A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully.
❏ Click Cancel to return to the Mass Update page.
Reset | Click to reset all previously selected parameter options to the default. |
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