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Workers' Compensation, Next Year - HRS4200

Personnel > Tables > Salaries NYR > Workers' Compensation

This tab is used to automatically calculate the correct next year workers' compensation premiums for all types of district employee records. The workers' compensation codes are set to the default A, B, C, D, E, and F, but can be changed to local preference. Code descriptions may also be replaced.

This tab is only available when logged on to the next year.

To retrieve existing workers' compensation data:

❏ Under Records:

Field Description
W/C CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a specific workers' compensation code. By default, the field is set to All and all workers' compensation codes are displayed.

❏ Click Retrieve. The workers' compensation code data is displayed.

❏ Under Modify, select either of the following criteria to modify workers' compensation premiums:

  • By Percent
  • By Dollar Amt

❏ Under Salary:

AmountType the percentage or dollar amount each row will increase by.

❏ Click Default to apply the amount entered in the Amount field to the New Net Rate field in each row.

Note: Only those rows that have no value (e.g., 0.00) in the % Increase or $ Increase columns are affected when applying the default values.

To set up workers' compensation data for next year:

❏ Under Modify:

By PercentBy default, this field is selected to modify next year workers' compensation rates.

❏ Under Salary:

AmountType the percentage value to increase a salary.

❏ Click Default. All pay grades and steps receive this default pay increase.

❏ To add a row, click Add.

CodeClick to select a workers' compensation code.
DescriptionType the locally assigned description for each code.

The system populates the Net Rate field with the rate assigned by the LEA's insurance carrier for each code from the Workers' Compensation CYR table.

% IncreaseType the increase value or click Default to add the value.
New Net RateType the new amount for the workers' compensation code.

❏ Click Calculate New Net Rate to update the Net Rate fields.

❏ Click Add to add another row. Continue adding rows as needed.

❏ Click Calculate New Net Rate to update workers' compensation data if the rates are changed or if a new rate is added.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


Click to print the salary table data. The following salary table options are displayed:

Current Tab Page - prints only the tab page currently open.
Selected Salary Tables - displays the following Current Year Salary Table Selection options:

Local Annual
Extra Duty
Fund to Grant
State Minimum

All Salary Tables - prints all the Salaries tab pages.
Select an option, and then click OK to view a copy of the report. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the tab.

Review the report.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

personnel/tables/salariesnyr/workerscomp.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/09 13:09 by emoreno