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Employee Data - HRS7400

Personnel > Utilities > Mass Delete > Employee Data

This utility is used to delete employee records for a number of employees at a single time. Users may select employees to delete by pay type, pay campus, and primary campus. All records are deleted for the employees as long as the following conditions exist:

  • There are no amounts in the calendar year-to-date and school year-to-date maintenance pages.
  • The employee does not exist in any other payroll frequency other than the next year payroll frequency.

Note: This page also allows you to delete permit, responsibility, Teacher Incentive Allotment designation, and YTD transaction data.

Mass delete employee data:

❏ Under CYR Frequency and NYR Frequency, select the applicable pay frequency(ies).

❏ Use the following fields to narrow the list of employees.

Field Description
Pay TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the pay types from which employee records will be deleted.
Pay CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the pay campuses from which employee records will be deleted.
Primary CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the primary campuses from which employee records will be deleted.

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of employees who meet the selected criteria is displayed. The employee number, pay type, pay campus, primary campus, and job code are displayed as well.

❏ The Delete checkbox is selected for each employee in the list. Clear the Delete checkbox for each employee for whom employee records should not be deleted, or leave the Delete checkbox selected for each employee for whom employee records should be deleted.

  • Click Select All to select the Delete checkbox for each employee.
  • Click Unselect All to clear the Delete checkbox for each employee.

❏ Click Execute to execute the process. A message is displayed indicating that you are about to delete employee data and confirming that you want to continue.

  • Click Yes to continue.
  • Click No to return to the Employee Data page.

Review the report.

❏ Click Process to accept the changes and continue. If you click Process, you have the option to print parameter criteria.

  • Click Yes to print the parameters selected for this update.
  • Click No to continue.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Employee Data page without making the changes.

personnel/utilities/massdelete/employeedata.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/03 20:04 by emoreno