Purchasing > Reports > Purchase Order Reports > Reprint Purchase Orders
This report provides a means of reprinting purchase orders correctly after an unsuccessful print job.
Click the PO Signature to select the signature(s) to be printed on the purchase order.
Click Contract to display contract formats.
Parameter | Description |
Current Year (C), or Next Year (N) |
C - Include the current year requisitions. N - Include the next year requisitions. This is a required field. |
Print on pre-printed purchase order form? (Y/N) |
Y - Print the purchase orders on a preprinted form. N - Print the purchase orders on plain paper. This is a required field. |
Sort by Purchase Order (P), Alpha (A), Vendor Nbr (N), Vendor Sort Key (S) |
P - Sort the report by purchase order. A - Sort the report alphabetically. N - Sort the report by vendor number. S - Sort the report by vendor sort key. This is a required field. |
Select Contract (C), Non-Contract (N), or blank for ALL |
C - Include contracts only. N - Include noncontracts only. Blank - Include both contracts and noncontracts. |
Select Contract Type(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the contract types, or click |
Select Unprinted Purchase Order(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the six-digit unprinted purchase order numbers, including all leading zeros and separating multiple purchase numbers with a comma (e.g., 000008, 091929). Or, click |
Print Confirmation only (C), Mailable POs (M), or blank for ALL |
C - Print confirmations only. M - Print mailable purchase orders. Blank - Print both confirmations and mailable purchase orders. |
Include Account Code Ledger on District Copy? (Y/N) |
Y - Print the district purchase order copy with the account code summary. A blank line is included allowing you to manually enter the invoice number and the expended amount. N - Print the district purchase order copy without the account code summary. The approval path is always included on the district purchase order copy. This is a required field. |
Shipping Address Line 1 using Contact (C) or Organization (O) |
C - Print the contact name on line 1 of the shipping address. O - Print the organization name on line 1 of the shipping address. This is a required field. |
Include Requestor's Name in Shipping Address? (Y/N) |
Y - Include the requestor's name as part of the shipping address. N - Exclude the requestor's name from the shipping address. This is a required field. |
Include Requisition Comments? (Y/N) |
Include Bid Category (Y/N)? |
Y - Include the three-digit bid category code. N - Exclude the three-digit bid category code. |
Include Item Note (Y/N)? |
Y - Include line item notes. N - Exclude line item notes. |
Select Receiving Address(es), or blank for ALL |
Type the three-digit receiving addresses (or campus ID numbers), including all leading zeros and separating multiple receiving addresses with a comma (e.g., 001, 098). Or, click |
Select Vendor(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the five-digit vendor number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple vendor numbers with a comma. Or, click |
Select Bid Category(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the three-character bid category code. Or, click |
From Required Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the from required date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all from dates. |
To Required Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the to required date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all to dates. |
From PO Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the from purchase order date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all from dates. |
To PO Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the to purchase order date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all to dates. |
Print starting from specific requisition number (######): |
Type a six-digit requisition number to begin printing. |
Print ending from specific requisition number (######): |
Type a six-digit requisition number to end printing. |
Enter Notes header | The Enter Notes parameters allow users to duplicate a note that is displayed on preprinted forms on plain paper purchase orders. Type the header line of bold text that is approximately 24 characters or 2.75 inches in length. It is highly recommended that you click Run Preview to view the text length of each line. |
Enter Notes body line 1-5 | Type the corresponding body line that is approximately 25 characters or 2.75 inches in length. Each line must be entered separately. The text does not wrap from one line to the next. It is highly recommended that you click Run Preview to view the text length of each line. |
Enter Notes footer | Type one footer line that is approximately 25 characters or 2.75 inches in length. It is highly recommended that you click Run Preview to view the text length of each line. |
E-mail Subject | Type the subject of the e-mail message that will be sent to the vendor. |
E-mail Message | Type the e-mail message that will be sent to the vendor. |
The report preview displays a view of the plain paper purchase order with the notes header, body, and footer lines. Click Run Preview to view the results of editing the text length of each line until it fits in the allotted space.
Caution: If you click Clear Options, all parameters are cleared, and the Enter Notes parameters must be reentered to print another plain paper purchase order.
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Y - Include requisition comments.
N - Exclude requisition comments.
This is a required field.