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Bid Processing Inquiry - BWH4300

Warehouse > Inquiry > Bid Processing Inquiry

This page is used to retrieve bid processing details and status information. You can retrieve data by bid number or bid status.

Perform a bid processing inquiry:

Retrieve a record.
Bid NbrType the six-digit bid number to be retrieved, if known. Leading zeros are not required.
Bid StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a bid status. All bid numbers with the selected status are retrieved.

Click Retrieve. If only a bid number was entered, the bid details for the bid are displayed. If a bid status was selected, all bid numbers with the selected bid status are displayed.

If the bid number is not known, click Directory.
To search for a specific bid number, type data in one or more of the search fields.
To search through all available data, leave all fields blank.
Click Search. A list of bid numbers matching the search criteria is displayed.
Select a bid number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

❏ In the top grid, click Spyglass Icon to inquire about the selected bid. The bid information from the Create/Modify Bid page is displayed.

❏ Under Bid Information:

Field Description
Bid NbrThe assigned bid number is displayed.
ReferenceThe bid reference description is displayed.
BuyerThe buyer's name is displayed.
Payment TermsThe allowed payoff period (e.g., Net 30).
Request DateThe request date for the bid is displayed in the MMDDYYYY format.
Date OpenThe beginning date for the bid is displayed in the MMDDYYYY format.
Date CloseThe ending date for the bid is displayed in the MMDDYYYY format.
Ship ToThe ship-to address is displayed.
Bid StatusThe current bid status is displayed.

The Bid Items, Vendor Information, and Vendor Response information is displayed.

Other functions and features:

PrintClick to print the bid status details. Review the report.
warehouse/inquiry/bidprocessinginquiry.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/10 18:44 by emoreno